Name Card
rp01353 picture

Dr Li, Lei 李磊

Principal Professional Practitioner

Teaching List, Current
2024 S2MCHM69012BIndividual Project
2023 S2BCHM56052ASchools of Thought of Chinese Medicine
2023 S2BCHM16052AHistory of Chinese Medicine
2023 S2BCHM19012AIntroduction to Chinese Medical Cultures
2023 S1MCHM63021AClassical Literature of Chinese Medicine
2023 S1MCHM61001AResearch Methodology in Chinese Medicine
2023 S1MCHM61001BResearch Methodology in Chinese Medicine
2023 S1MCHM63021BClassical Literature of Chinese Medicine
2023 S2MCHM61032AManipulative Techniques in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
2021 S1MCHM61001BResearch Methodology in Chinese Medicine
2021 S1MCHM61001AResearch Methodology in Chinese Medicine
2021 S1MCHM63021AClassical Literature of Chinese Medicine
2021 S1MCHM63021BClassical Literature of Chinese Medicine
2021 S2MCHM61032AManipulative Techniques in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
2021 S2MCHM61042ATherapeutics in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
2021 S2BCHM16052AHistory of Chinese Medicine
2021 S2BCHM19012AIntroduction to Chinese Medical Cultures
2021 S2BCHM56052ASchools of Thought of Chinese Medicine
2021 S2MCHM69012AIndividual Project
2023 S8BCHM3908SAIntensive Training on Clinical Acupuncture Techniques
2019 S2BCHM16052AHistory of Chinese Medicine
2019 S2BCHM56052ASchools of Thought of Chinese Medicine
2023 S2MCHM61042ATherapeutics in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
2023 S2MCHM69012AIndividual Project
2019 S1MCHM61001AResearch Methodology in Chinese Medicine
2019 S1MCHM61001BResearch Methodology in Chinese Medicine
2019 S1MCHM63021AClassical Literature of Chinese Medicine
2019 S1MCHM63021BClassical Literature of Chinese Medicine
2019 S2BCHM19012AIntroduction to Chinese Medical Cultures
2019 S2MCHM61032AManipulative Techniques in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
2019 S2MCHM61042ATherapeutics in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
2019 S2MCHM62032ADissertation
2019 S2MCHM64052ADissertation
2020 S2BCHM16052AHistory of Chinese Medicine
2020 S2BCHM56052ASchools of Thought of Chinese Medicine
2020 S2MCHM69012AIndividual Project
2020 S2MCHM69012BIndividual Project
2018 S2BCHM16052AHistory of Chinese Medicine
2020 S1MCHM61001AResearch Methodology in Chinese Medicine
2020 S1MCHM61001BResearch Methodology in Chinese Medicine
2020 S1MCHM63021AClassical Literature of Chinese Medicine
2020 S1MCHM63021BClassical Literature of Chinese Medicine
2018 S1MCHM61031AManipulative Techniques in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
2018 S2MCHM61042ATherapeutics in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
2018 S2MCHM62032ADissertation
2018 S2BCHM19012AIntroduction to Chinese Medical Cultures
2018 S2MCHM61012AClassical Literature in Acupuncture
2020 S2BCHM19012AIntroduction to Chinese Medical Cultures
2018 S1MCHM63001AFundamental Theory of Chinese Medicine
2018 S1MCHM63021AClassical Literature of Chinese Medicine
2018 S2MCHM61002AResearch Methodology in Chinese Medicine
2018 S2MCHM61002BResearch Methodology in Chinese Medicine
2018 S2MCHM63052ASelected Case Study in Chinese Medicine
2018 S2MCHM64052ADissertation
2020 S2MCHM61032AManipulative Techniques in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
2020 S2MCHM61042ATherapeutics in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
2022 S1MCHM61001AResearch Methodology in Chinese Medicine
2022 S1MCHM61001BResearch Methodology in Chinese Medicine
2022 S1MCHM63021AClassical Literature of Chinese Medicine
2022 S1MCHM63021BClassical Literature of Chinese Medicine
2022 S2BCHM16052AHistory of Chinese Medicine
2022 S2BCHM19012AIntroduction to Chinese Medical Cultures
2022 S2BCHM56052ASchools of Thought of Chinese Medicine
2022 S2MCHM61032AManipulative Techniques in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
2022 S2MCHM61042ATherapeutics in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
2022 S2MCHM69012AIndividual Project
2024 S1MCHM61001AResearch Methodology in Chinese Medicine
2024 S1MCHM61001BResearch Methodology in Chinese Medicine
2024 S1MCHM63021AClassical Literature of Chinese Medicine
2024 S1MCHM63021BClassical Literature of Chinese Medicine
2024 S2BCHM16052AHistory of Chinese Medicine
2024 S2BCHM19012AIntroduction to Chinese Medical Cultures
2024 S2BCHM56052ASchools of Thought of Chinese Medicine
2024 S2MCHM61032AManipulative Techniques in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
2024 S2MCHM61042ATherapeutics in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Supervision of Research Postgraduate Students
StatusThesis TitleField of StudyStudent
Tian Jiu therapy for patients with chronic asthma: an evaluation of efficacy and exploration of the optimal treatment durationTraditional Chinese Medicine2012 MPhil
Zhu Libing
Mechanistic Study of Circadian Rhythms of Tryptophan Hydroxylase and Serotonin Receptors Involved in Acupuncture-Induced AnalgesiaThe Effectiveness of Acupuncture at Different Time2009 MPhil
Wang Zuhao
Effects of Acupressure on the Quality of Life of Frail Older AdultsTraditional Chinese Medicine2013 Phd
Chan Wai Chung Clara
Tao of Changes and Tao of Medicine: The Influence of “The Thought of Unity of Nature and Human Being”, “The Thought of Holistic", “The Thought of Change” and “The Thought of Harmonious” in "The Book of Changes" on Traditional Chinese Medicine TheoriesTraditional Chinese Medicine2013 Phd
Lo Kwai Ching
Tao of Changes and Tao of Medicine: The Influence of the Philosophy of 'Won Taoist' and 'Concept of Time and Space' in "Zhou Yi" on the Theories Development of Traditional Chinese MedicineTraditional Chinese Medicine2011 MPhil
Lo Kwai Ching
Clinical Study on Acupoints Application on San Fu Days for Treating Bronchial AsthmaTraditional Chinese Medicine2010 MPhil
Zhang Wei
HKU Committee Appointments
Start DateEnd DateCommitteeCategoryBody
2015-03-292015-06-28Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2014-09-292015-03-28Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2013-09-292014-09-28Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2012-09-292013-09-28Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2009-09-292012-09-28Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2006-09-292009-09-28Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2018-06-292021-06-28Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2015-06-292018-06-28Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University