Name Card
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Professor Cowling, Benjamin John 高本恩

Professor, Chair of Epidemiology

Teaching List, Current
2023 S2BBMS20112AResearch Methods in Medicine and Health Sciences
2020 S1MMPH60021CIntroduction to Biostatistics
2020 S1MMPH60031CIntroduction to Epidemiology
2019 S1CMED61001AIntroduction to Biostatistics
2019 S1CMED62001AIntroduction to Epidemiology
2019 S1CMED72001AIntroduction to Epidemiology
2019 S1CMED71001AIntroduction to Biostatistics
2019 S1MMPH60021AIntroduction to Biostatistics
2019 S1MMPH60021CIntroduction to Biostatistics
2019 S1MMPH60031AIntroduction to Epidemiology
2019 S1MMPH60031CIntroduction to Epidemiology
2020 S1CMED61001AIntroduction to Biostatistics
2020 S1CMED62001AIntroduction to Epidemiology
2020 S1CMED71001AIntroduction to Biostatistics
2020 S1CMED72001AIntroduction to Epidemiology
2020 S1MMPH60021AIntroduction to Biostatistics
2020 S1MMPH60031AIntroduction to Epidemiology
2018 S1MMPH60021AIntroduction to Biostatistics
2018 S1CMED61001AIntroduction to Biostatistics
2018 S1CMED62001AIntroduction to Epidemiology
2018 S1CMED71001AIntroduction to Biostatistics
2018 S1MMPH60031AIntroduction to Epidemiology
2018 S1CMED72001AIntroduction to Epidemiology
2018 S1MMPH60021CIntroduction to Biostatistics
2018 S1MMPH60031CIntroduction to Epidemiology
2024 S2BBMS20112AResearch Methods in Medicine and Health Sciences
Supervision of Research Postgraduate Students
StatusThesis TitleField of StudyStudent
Epidemiology of Influenza B Virus by LineageInfluenza and Other Infections of Public Health Significance2017 Phd
Lau Yiu Chung
Epidemiology and Control of Tuberculosis in Hong KongEpidemiology and control of infectious diseases and environmental hazards2007 Phd
Wu Peng
Transmission and control of influenza and COVID-19 in school settingContact transmission of influenza in children2020 Phd
Fong Min Whui
Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Modeling2022 Phd
Peng Liping
Epidemiology and Biostatistics2021 Phd
Jiesisibieke Zhuliduzi
Studies to bridge antimicrobial resistance practices and policy: environment, entrepreneurship and epidemiologyEpidemiology and Health Policy2018 Phd
Chan Sinn Kay Olivia
Disease burden and epidemiology of influenza among vaccine target groupsInfectious Disease Epidemiology2011 Phd
Zhou Ying
Controlling avian influenza with public health measuresModeling Avian Influenza Surveillance and Control Strategies2019 Phd
Philippon Damien Alain Michel
Infectious disease epidemiology2023 Phd
Young Benjamin Ross
Epidemiology and biostatistics2023 Phd
Zhong Shuyi
Infectious Disease Epidemiology2023 Phd
Meng Yu
SARS-CoV-2 viral shedding and transmission during COVID-19 pandemic in Hong KongInfluenza, MERS, and other infections of public health significance2020 Phd
Lin Yun
Bayesian Analysis of Influenza Sero-epidemiology DataInfluenza Transmission Dynamics in Households2016 MPhil
Yu Jing
Environmental Health; Epidemiology2024 Phd
Xu Jialin
Infectious Disease Epidemiology2024 Phd
Zhong Jennifer
Modeling the potential impact of HPV vaccination on Hong Kong's cervical cancer burdenEpidemiology and Biostatistics2008 Phd
Choi Cheuk Wai
Influenza Transmission, Influenza Vaccination Effectiveness2024 MPhil
Li Xinyi
Infectious Disease Epidemiology2024 MPhil
Ng Chi Wai
Epidemiology and Biostatistics2024 Phd
Sze Yuk Ching
Infectious Diseases Modeling2024 MPhil
Yin Yifan
Risk Communication About Infectious Diseases2024 Phd
Luo Xiaoting
Infectious Disease Epidemiologly2024 MPhil
Shao Zengyang
Immunology2024 Phd
Li Min
Inflectious Disease Epidemiology2024 Phd
Yu Xuan
The Impact of Socioeconomic Development on Population Health Now and into the FutureEpidemiologic Transition & Long-term Care Financing2007 Phd
Chung Roger Yat Nork
Infectious disease epidemiology and control2022 Phd
Guo Yiyang
Moving beyond correlation in environmental epidemiologyEnvironmental Health2018 Phd
Guo Fang
Control of Infectious Diseases in AsiaInfectious Disease Epidemiology2013 Phd
Park Min Ah
Understanding and evaluating population preventive strategies for breast cancer using statistical and decision analytic modelsBiomathematical Modeling of Breast Cancer and Hepatitis B Epidemiology2004 Phd
Wong Oi Ling
Antibiotic resistance and carriage patterns of Staphylococcus aureus among community-dwelling older adults in Hong KongEpidemiology of infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance2018 MPhil
Wu Cuiming
Burden and Control of Influenza VirusesEpidemiology and biostatistics, infectious disease epidemiology2014 Phd
Feng Shuo
Factors affecting risk of influenza virus infections in a longitudinal serologic studyInfectious disease epidemiology2013 MPhil
Wei Wan In
Influenza Virus Shedding and Transmission in HouseholdsInfectious Disease Epidemiology2010 Phd
Lau Lee Hang Lincoln
Transmissibility of influenza viruses in householdsEpidemiology and Infectious Diseases and Environmental Health Hazards2013 Phd
Tsang Kam Lun
Antigenic variation of influenza viruses and its impact on seasonal transmission of influenza: A multi-disciplinary approach in incorporating environmental and genetic measurements in an influenza epidemiology study in Hong KongInfectious Disease Epidemiology and Biostatistics2012 Phd
Cao Peihua
Transmission potential of influenza in respiratory dropletsInfectious diseases transmission2012 Phd
Leung Hiu Lan
Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Modeling2022 Phd
Wang Can
Pubertal muscle mass and diabetes risksChronic disease epidemiology, mendelian randomization2012 MPhil
Hou Wei Wei
Sustainable surveillance strategies for the detection of swine influenza in VietnamEpidemiology2011 Phd
Baudon Eugenie Maud
Burden and severity of influenza virusesBiostatistics; Infectious Diseases2012 Phd
Wong Yuen Ting
Transmission of influenza virus in households and the community: surveillance and controlTransmission of Dynamics of Influenza A in Hong Kong2009 MPhil
Lau Siu Yin
Neuraminidase inhibiting antibodies to influenza A virusVirology2014 MPhil
Herath Mudiyanselage Thusitha Kumara K.
Modeling and Analytics for the Spread of InfluenzaInfectious disease epidemiology2014 Phd
Leung Sze Man
Transmission Dynamics of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease in ChinaCost effectiveness and influenza vaccination2013 Phd
Yang Bingyi
Validating the Use of EDTA-Plasma for Influenza SeroepidemiologyUsing blood donation archive to assess influenza burden in Hong Kong2013 Phd
Zhang Yanyu
Modelling Public Adoption of Health Protective Behaviours against Novel Respiratory Infectious Diseases in Hong Kong: The Avian Influenza A/H5N1 and the 2009 Pandemic Influenza A/H1N1Risk Perception and Health Protective Behaviours Related to Novel Influenzas2008 Phd
Liao Qiuyan
Epidemiology of Antimicrobial Resistance2023 MPhil
Chui Sze Lon Chloe
Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Infectious Diseases2023 MPhil
Law Hoi Ting
Characterizing Transmission Dynamics and Severity of 2009 H1N1 Pandemic Influenza in Hong KongEpidemiology and Control of Infectious Diseases2010 MPhil
Leung Sze Man
Relative effectiveness of ventilation in community indoor environments for controlling infectionPublic Health: The Roles of Built Environment on Disease Transmission2008 Phd
Gao Xiaolei
Epidemiology and Biostatistics2023 Phd
Xu Yanfang
Viral Phylodynamics2023 Phd
Wang Ruixuan
Epidemiology and Biostatistics2023 MPhil
Chen Ruohan
Design and Analysis of Household Studies of Influenza Public Health2009 Phd
Klick Brendan A
Respiratory Viruses and Vaccine Responses 2023 Phd
Chow Cheuk Long
Infectious Disease Epidemiology2023 Phd
Guo Zirui
The role of antivirals and vaccines in the control of influenza epidemics and pandemicsEpidemiology & Control of Infectious Diseases2009 Phd
Ng Sophia
Environmental Epidemiology2023 Phd
Liu Lijun
Diagnosis and Surveillance of Human Influenza Virus InfectionInfluenza Pandemic Study2009 Phd
Cheng Ka Yeung
Vaccine Failures in Older Adults2023 Phd
Lin Yihan
Influenza and Other Infections of Public Health Significance2023 Phd
Zheng Guanhao
Effectiveness of COVID-19 and Seasonal Influenza Vaccines in Older Adults in Hong KongInfectious Disease Epidemiology2022 MPhil
Leung Wing Yan
Environmental Epidemiology2022 Phd
Ji Renyue
Infectious Diseases Modelling2022 Phd
Li Mingwei
Infectious Diseases Epidemiology2022 Phd
Liu Caifen
Health Systems Research2022 Phd
Ogunsola Ajibola Toluwani
Seroepidemiology2023 Phd
Liu Chang
Environmental epidemiology and Biostatistics2022 Phd
Han Zheshen
Influenza epidemiology in the community2022 Phd
Xie Yanmin
Epidemiology and clinical management of systemic lupus erythematosus in ChinaEpidemiology and biostatistics 2018 Phd
Dai Zonglin
Population Immunity2022 Phd
Xiao Cheng
Environmental Epidemiology 2022 Phd
Wu Haisheng
Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Modelling2023 Phd
Zhang Chengyao
Environmental Epidemiology2023 Phd
Tang Hong
Live Fast Die Young: Health Consequences of Early PubertyPublic Health2014 Phd
Lai Tsz Chun
Measuring the impact of influenza on mortalityEpidemiology and Biostatistics2015 Phd
Li Li
The Role of Temperature on Morbidity and Mortality in Hong KongEpidemiology and Biostatistics2013 Phd
Sun Shengzhi
Influenza Vaccination Strategies in Older AdultsInfectious Disease Epidemiology2015 Phd
Ng Tiffany Waai-yan
Public Health and Epidemiological Considerations in the Control of Epidemic and Pandemic Respiratory InfectionsInfectious Disease Epidemiology2019 Phd
Tsang Ngai Yung Nicole
Age effects on humoral and cellular adaptive immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccinationImmunology2019 Phd
Cohen Carolyn Amanda
Comparative epidemiology of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and influenza virusesInfluenza Epidemiology in Older Adults in China 2016 Phd
Xiong Qian
Maximizing the use of human population movement data for malaria control and eliminationVector-borne diseases2019 Phd
Tam Greta Chun-huen
The role of hands and fomites in influenza transmissionEpidemiology and Transmission Dynamics2016 Phd
Xiao Jingyi
Blood viscosity and cardiovascular diseaseInfectious disease epidemiology2012 Phd
Zhong Yi
Burden and epidemiology of respiratory viruses in Hong KongInfectious Disease Epidemiology, Spatial Epidemiology2011 Phd
Wei Lan
Symptom-specific health-seeking behaviour for common acute infections in Hong KongEpidemiology and Biostatistics2015 Phd
Zhang Qiqi
Role of aerosol transmission in respiratory virusesRisk Assessment of Aerosol Transmission of Influenza2015 Phd
Shiu Eunice Yuen Chi
Clinical and epidemiological study of hand, foot and mouth disease in ChinaInfectious Disease Epidemiology and Control2016 Phd
Li Yu
Evaluating the effectiveness of air pollution policies in Hong Kong: Accountability studiesEnvironmental Health 2016 Phd
Mason Tonya Gaynel
Environmental health2021 Phd
Zhang Pei
Ambient VOCs pollution and emergency hospitalizations in Hong KongEnvironmental Epidemiology 2016 Phd
Ran Jinjun
High throughput profiling of PA amino acid substitutions in an A(H1N1) pdm09 influenza virus that confers resistance to baloxavir in vitroPublic health virology2019 MPhil
Chen Dongdong
Control of Vaccine Preventable Infectious Disease in ChinaInfectious Diseases, Epidemiology and Biostatistics2015 Phd
Ren Xiang
Epidemiological characterization of sepsis using data of patients hospitalized in Hong KongEpidemiology2021 Phd
Zhang Weixin
Fe-rich chamosite in coal and lung cancer in XuanWei, ChinaPanel study of air pollution; Epidemiology 2017 Phd
Li Jinhui
Short-term and Long-term Exposure to Fine Particulate Constituents and Related Health Effects in Hong KongAir pollution and health2017 Phd
Yang Yang
Improving the estimation of influenza vaccine effectivenessAssessing Transmission Potential and Risk of Dengue Virus in Hong Kong2017 Phd
Chua Hui Ying
Correlates and mediators of protection for influenza and COVID-19 vaccines: linking immunogenicity and protectionEpidemiology and Biostatistics2017 Phd
Lim Wey Wen
Environmental health and epidemiology2020 Phd
Deng Shenxi
Infectious Disease Epidemiology2021 Phd
Murphy Caitriona
Environmental health2021 Phd
Lin Hongli
Infectious disease modelling2021 Phd
Chen Dongxuan
Public Health2021 Phd
Wang Yawei
Infectious disease epidemiology2021 Phd
Xiong Weijia
Infectious disease epidemiology2021 Phd
Shan Songwei
Health Economics and Policy2021 Phd
Guo Bingqing
Assessing the risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 of healthcare workers in Hong Kong: an environmental surveillance and sero-epidemiological studyVirology and Epidemiology2020 MPhil
Yung Louise
Epidemiology and Public Health Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019Influenza Disease Burden2021 Phd
Xin Hualei
Changing responses to public health measures during the COVID-19 pandemicInfectious disease epidemiology2019 Phd
Gao Huizhi
Transmission and control of influenza and COVID-19Influenza vaccination strategies in older adults2019 Phd
Ho Faith
Transmission and Control of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease in SchoolsMathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases2017 Phd
Yang Zhongzhou
HKU Committee Appointments
Start DateEnd DateCommitteeCategoryBody
2011-11-012012-12-31Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2008-11-012011-10-31Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2013-01-01Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University