Name Card
rp01297 picture

Professor Zhang, Zhang-Jin 張樟進


Teaching List, Current
2020 S2MMPH61872CCurrent Research and Development of Chinese Medicines
2023 S1BCHM56011ALife Cultivation and Healthcare of Chinese Medicine
2023 S1BCHM56041ATherapeutics in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
2023 S1BMSC21021ALife Science II
2023 S1CCCH90291AIdeas and Practices of Healing Arts in Traditional Chinese Medicine
2022 S2MCHM66022AStudy of Oncology in Chinese Medicine
2020 S2MMPH61872ACurrent Research and Development of Chinese Medicines
2021 S1BCHM56011ALife Cultivation and Healthcare of Chinese Medicine
2021 S1BCHM56041ATherapeutics in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
2021 S1CCCH90291AIdeas and Practices of Healing Arts in Traditional Chinese Medicine
2023 S1MCHM61001AResearch Methodology in Chinese Medicine
2023 S1MCHM61001BResearch Methodology in Chinese Medicine
2023 S1MCHM65011AEvidence-based Medicine
2023 S1MCHM65011BEvidence-based Medicine
2023 S2MCHM61022ABiomedical Courses Allied to Acupuncture
2021 S1MCHM61001AResearch Methodology in Chinese Medicine
2021 S1MCHM61001BResearch Methodology in Chinese Medicine
2021 S1MCHM65011AEvidence-based Medicine
2021 S1MCHM65011BEvidence-based Medicine
2021 S2MCHM61022ABiomedical Courses Allied to Acupuncture
2021 S2MCHM61042ATherapeutics in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
2021 S2MCHM67012ATheoretical Studies of Classical Gynaecology, Applications of Medical Examination and Anatomical Str
2021 S2MCHM67032ADistinctive Therapies for Gynaecological Illnesses by Integrative Approach of Chinese and Western Me
2021 S2MCHM69012AIndividual Project
2023 S1CCCH90291AXIdeas and Practices of Healing Arts in Traditional Chinese Medicine
2023 S2MCHM67022AClinical Diagnosis for Gynaecology
2023 S2BCHM46992AChinese Medicine and Nursing
2023 S8BCHM3908SAIntensive Training on Clinical Acupuncture Techniques
2018 S2MMPH61872CCurrent Research and Development of Chinese Medicines
2019 S2BCHM6601FAClinical Clerkship
2019 S8BCHM3908SAIntensive Training on Clinical Acupuncture Techniques 針灸臨床操作技能強化
2019 S2MMPH61872ACurrent Research and Development of Chinese Medicines
2023 S2MMPH61872ACurrent Research and Development of Chinese Medicines
2020 S1BCHM56011ALife Cultivation and Healthcare of Chinese Medicine
2020 S1BCHM56041ATherapeutics in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
2019 S2MMPH61872CCurrent Research and Development of Chinese Medicines
2019 S1BCHM56041ATherapeutics in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
2019 S1BCHM56011ALife Cultivation and Healthcare of Chinese Medicine
2019 S1BMSC21021ALife Science II
2019 S1CCCH90291AIdeas and Practices of Healing in Traditional China
2019 S1CCCH90291AXIdeas and Practices of Healing in Traditional China
2023 S2MCHM61042ATherapeutics in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
2023 S2MCHM67012ATheoretical Studies of Classical Gynaecology and Applications of Medical Examination
2023 S2MCHM69012AIndividual Project
2019 S1MCHM61001AResearch Methodology in Chinese Medicine
2019 S1MCHM61001BResearch Methodology in Chinese Medicine
2019 S1MCHM65011AEvidence-based Medicine
2019 S1MCHM65011BEvidence-based Medicine
2019 S2MCHM61022ABiomedical Courses Allied to Acupuncture
2019 S2MCHM61042ATherapeutics in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
2019 S2MCHM67012ATheoretical studies of Classical Gynaecology, Applications of Medical Examination and Anatomical Str
2021 S1CCCH90291AXIdeas and Practices of Healing Arts in Traditional Chinese Medicine
2019 S2MCHM67032ADistinctive Therapies for Gynaecological Illnesses by Integrative Approach of Chinese and Western Me
2022 S2MMPH61872CCurrent Research and Development of Chinese Medicines
2022 S1CCCH90291AXIdeas and Practices of Healing Arts in Traditional Chinese Medicine
2022 S1BMSC21021ALife Science II
2019 S1BCHM6601FAClinical Clerkship
2022 S2MCHM66012BIntro. to Oncology for Chinese Medicine Practitioners
2022 S2MMPH61872ACurrent Research and Development of Chinese Medicines
2020 S2MCHM69012AIndividual Project
2020 S1CCCH90291AIdeas and Practices of Healing Arts in Traditional Chinese Medicine
2018 S1BCHM56011ALife Cultivation and Healthcare of Chinese Medicine
2018 S1BCHM56041ATherapeutics in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
2018 S1CCCH90291AXIdeas and Practices of Healing in Traditional China
2020 S1MCHM61001AResearch Methodology in Chinese Medicine
2020 S1MCHM61001BResearch Methodology in Chinese Medicine
2020 S1MCHM65011AEvidence-based Medicine
2020 S1MCHM65011BEvidence-based Medicine
2018 S2MCHM63032AMedical Statistics
2018 S2MCHM63032BMedical Statistics
2018 S1BMSC21021ALife Science II
2018 S1MCHM61021ABiomedical Courses Allied to Acupuncture
2018 S2BCHM38012AIntroduction to Chinese Medicine and Nursing
2023 S2NURS77022AIntroduction to Chinese Medicine and Nursing
2018 S2MCHM61002AResearch Methodology in Chinese Medicine
2018 S1CCCH90291AIdeas and Practices of Healing in Traditional China
2018 S2MCHM61002BResearch Methodology in Chinese Medicine
2018 S2MCHM61042ATherapeutics in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
2018 S2MCHM62032ADissertation
2018 S2MMPH61872ACurrent Research and Development of Chinese Medicines
2021 S1BMSC21021ALife Science II
2021 S2MMPH61872CCurrent Research and Development of Chinese Medicines
2020 S2MCHM61022ABiomedical Courses Allied to Acupuncture
2020 S2MCHM61042ATherapeutics in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
2020 S2MCHM66012AIntro. to Common Diagnostic Means for Oncology and the Therapeutic Approach in Western Medicine
2020 S2MCHM66022AStudy of Oncology in Chinese Medicine
2019 S2BCHM38012AIntroduction to Chinese Medicine and Nursing
2018 S2MCHM62012ASeminars on Acupuncture and Moxibustion
2020 S2BCHM38012AIntroduction to Chinese Medicine and Nursing
2022 S1BCHM56011ALife Cultivation and Healthcare of Chinese Medicine
2022 S1BCHM56041ATherapeutics in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
2022 S1CCCH90291AIdeas and Practices of Healing Arts in Traditional Chinese Medicine
2022 S1MCHM61001AResearch Methodology in Chinese Medicine
2022 S1MCHM61001BResearch Methodology in Chinese Medicine
2022 S1MCHM65011BEvidence-based Medicine
2022 S1MCHM65011AEvidence-based Medicine
2021 S2MMPH61872ACurrent Research and Development of Chinese Medicines
2022 S2MCHM61022ABiomedical Courses Allied to Acupuncture
2022 S2MCHM61042ATherapeutics in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
2022 S2MCHM69012AIndividual Project
2020 S1BMSC21021ALife Science II
2021 S8BCHM3908SAIntensive Training on Clinical Acupuncture Techniques
2022 S2BCHM46992AChinese Medicine and Nursing
2024 S1BCHM56041ATherapeutics in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
2024 S1BCHM56011ALife Cultivation and Healthcare of Chinese Medicine
2024 S1CCCH90291AIdeas and Practices of Healing Arts in Traditional Chinese Medicine
2024 S1MCHM61001AResearch Methodology in Chinese Medicine
2024 S1MCHM61001BResearch Methodology in Chinese Medicine
2024 S1MCHM65011AEvidence-based Medicine
2024 S1MCHM65011BEvidence-based Medicine
2024 S2MCHM61022ABiomedical Courses Allied to Acupuncture
2024 S2MCHM61042ATherapeutics in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
2024 S2MCHM66012AIntro. to Oncology for Chinese Medicine Practitioners
2024 S2MCHM66022AStudy of Oncology in Chinese Medicine
2024 S2MCHM69012AIndividual Project
2024 S1CCCH90291AXIdeas and Practices of Healing Arts in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Supervision of Research Postgraduate Students
StatusThesis TitleField of StudyStudent
Chinese Medicine and Epidemiology2024 Phd
Fu You
A retrospective, cross-sectional controlled study of Chinese medicine used in the management of post-stroke rehabilitationChinese Medicine and Psychopharmacology2012 Phd
Ma Chun Ho
Chinese Medicine and Epidemiology2024 Phd
Yin Jiahui
Herbal Medicine for Antipsychotic-induced Hyperprolactinemia in Women with Schizophrenia: A Randomized Controlled TrialChinese Medicine and Psychopharmacology2013 Phd
Man Sui Cheung
Phytochemical and Pharmacological Characterization of Phenolic Compounds Derived from the Chinese Herbal Medicine Pomegranate Peel for Colorectal Cancer and Intestinal MucositisChinese Medicine2014 Phd
Chen Xiaoxin
Non-Surgical Management of Low Back Pain and its Electrophysiological AssessmentBiomedical Engineering2013 Phd
Jiang Naifu
Dense Cranial Electroacupuncture Stimulation for Depression: its Clinical Efficacy and Neuroimaging Evidence from Randomized Controlled StudiesChinese Medicine and psychopharmacology2010 Phd
Hung Hung Bun
The effects of herbal medicines on pharmacokinetic, toxicological, and pharmacodynamic properties of antipsychotic drugs in in vitro and in vivo models: implication for herb-drug interactionsNeuropsychopharmacology of Chinese Medicine2014 Phd
Wang Wei
The Effects of l-Tetrahydropalmatine and Rhynchophylline, Alkaloids Derived from Herbal Medicines on Cellular and Molecular Neurotoxicity of Cocaine in PC12 CellsChinese Medicine (Basic)2007 MPhil
Zhang Xiao
Traditional Chinese Medicine Formula (Er-Xian Decoction) for Menopausal Symptoms: Literature Review and Clinical TrialClinical Trial & Pharmocology of Chinese Medicine2007 Phd
Zhong Lidan
The Role of Myeloid-derived Suppressor Cells-like Population in Alcoholic Liver Injury and Action Mechanism of Berberine on Alcololic Liver DiseasesPharmacology of Chinese Medicine2014 Phd
Li Sha
Protective Effect of Dendrobium officinale Polysaccharides on Experimental Model of Sjögren’s syndromeChinese Medicine2009 Phd
Lin Xiang
Epidemiological and Electrophysiological Studies for TCM-based Diagnostic Classification of InsomniaClinical Research of Chinese Medicine2009 Phd
Li Tsui Yin Jade
Chinese Medicine, Psychopharmacology2023 Phd
Yu Choi Fai
Natural Compounds Derived from Chinese Herbal Medicine Prevent Chemotherapy-induced Cognitive Impairment: Behavioral, Biochemical, and Neuroimaging ApproachesChinese Medicine and Psychiatry2014 Phd
Shi Dongdong
Chinese Medicine, Psychopharmacology2023 Phd
Gu Minqing
Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine2023 Phd
Lyu Qiuyi
Chinese Medicine/Immunology2023 MPhil
Xu Xiaoyu
Molecular and biochemical characterization of therapeutic properties of Paeoniae – Glycyrrhiza Decoction (PGD) and its major constituents against antipsychotic-associated hyperprolactinemiaChinese Medicine and Psychopharmacology2009 Phd
Wang Di
Chinese Medicine2022 Phd
Liu Shengnan
The Chinese Medicine Formula Shexiang Baoxin Pill and the Natural Compound Berberine Alleviate Cognitive Impairment and Depressive Disorders: Insights into Neuroinflammatory and NeuroplasticityChinese Medicine2018 Phd
Qin Zongshi
A Systematic Investigation on Chinese Medicine and particular Shihu-Yuye Decoction, a Classic Chinese Medicine Formula, in Treating Diabetic Nephropathy and the Underlying MechanismsAcupuncture2018 Phd
Wan Hei
Phytochemical and Pharmacological Characterization of Lily-rehmannia Decoction, a Classic Chinese Herbal Formula, for Menopausal Syndrome in Ovariectomized Mice: a Novel Brain-uterus Mechanism Distinct from Estrogen TherapySeeking novel psychotropic agents and developing alternative strategies from traditional Chinese medicine2015 Phd
Zhou Xidan
N, N-dimethyltryptamine, a natural hallucinogen, protects against dementia via modulating calcium-medicated intracellular signaling and neurogenesis in in vivo and in vitro models of Alzheimer's diseaseChinese Medicine2019 Phd
Cheng Dan
Pharmacology of Chinese Medicine2020 Phd
Tam Chi Wing
Studies on panax notoginseng saponins-modulated gut-fat and gut-liver crosstalk for therapeutic intervention of obesity and NAFLDPharmacology of Chinese Medicines2016 Phd
Xu Yu
Acupuncture for chemotherapy-associated insomnia in breast cancer patients: systematic review and randomized controlled trialsTraditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture2017 Phd
Zhang Jialing
Electroacupuncture on trigeminal nerve innervated acupoints ameliorates cognitive impairment induced by ischemia and chemotherapy in animal models: associations with modulation of microglia-derived cytokines and neuroplasticityAcupuncture treatment of major psychiatric disorders2018 Phd
Zheng Yu
Electroacupuncture on the sciatic nerve innervated acupoint "Huan-Tiao" alleviates inflammatory pain in adjuvant arthritic mice: Involvement of peripheral and central adiponectin mechanismsAcupuncture2018 Phd
Ning Zhipeng
Adjuvant berberine for the management of antipsychotic-associated metabolic syndrome in patients with chronic schizophrenia: a literature review and a randomised controlled trialChinese Medicine2017 Phd
Chan Mei Yan
Behavioral and mechanistic characterization of addictive properties of the classic anesthetic nitrous oxide and the anti-addictive effects of the natural compound cryptotanshinoneChinese Medicine2020 Phd
Li Wenqi
Chinese Medicine and Nephrology2023 Phd
Guo Jianbo
Invasive acupuncture and transcutaneous scalp-auricular electrical acu-point stimulation (TECAS) for depressive disorder: randomized controlled trialsChinese Medicine and Acupuncture2018 Phd
Wong Yat Kwan
Chinese medicine and acupuncture against psychiatric disorders2021 Phd
Yang Sichang
HKU Committee Appointments
Start DateEnd DateCommitteeCategoryBody
2006-09-112009-09-10Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2007-09-012009-06-30School of Chinese Medicine, Board of Studies of theUp to three representatives from Chinese Medicine subject teachers
2023-07-01Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2009-09-112012-09-10Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University