Name Card
rp01156 picture

Dr Yeung, Henri Wing On 楊永安

Honorary Associate Professor


Teaching List, Current
2024 S1CHIN70201AImperial China: Early to Medieval Dynasties
2023 S1CHIN60071AImperial China: Thematic Studies
2023 S1CHIN60121AChinese Migration History: Inland and Overseas
2023 S1CHIN63041ASpecial Topics in Chinese Culture
2023 S2CHIN22642AChinese eroticism
2021 S1CHIN60071AImperial China: Thematic Studies
2021 S1CHIN60121AChinese Migration History: Inland and Overseas
2021 S1CHIN63041ASpecial Topics in Chinese Culture
2021 S1CHIN7999FACapstone Experience: Dissertation in Chinese Historical Studies
2021 S2CHIN7999FACapstone Experience: Dissertation in Chinese Historical Studies
2021 S2CHIN22642AChinese eroticism
2022 S2CHIN32212AThematic study in Chinese history and culture (capstone experience)
2023 S1CHIN32211AThematic study in Chinese history and culture (capstone experience)
2021 S1CHIN32211AThematic study in Chinese history and culture (capstone experience)
2019 S1CHIN60071AImperial China: Thematic Studies
2019 S1CHIN60121AChinese Migration History: Inland and Overseas
2019 S1CHIN63041ASpecial Topics in Chinese Culture
2019 S2CHIN22642AChinese eroticism
2020 S1CHIN60071AImperial China: Thematic Studies
2020 S1CHIN60121AChinese Migration History: Inland and Overseas
2020 S1CHIN63041ASpecial Topics in Chinese Culture
2018 S1CHIN60071AImperial China: Thematic Studies
2018 S1CHIN60121AChinese Migration History: Inland and Overseas
2018 S2CHIN22642AChinese eroticism
2018 S1CHIN63041ASpecial Topics in Chinese Culture
2020 S2CHIN22642AChinese eroticism
2020 S2CHIN79992ACapstone Experience: Dissertation in Chinese Historical Studies
2020 S2CHIN32212AThematic study in Chinese history and culture (capstone experience)
2019 S2CHIN79992ACapstone Experience: Dissertation in Chinese Historical Studies
2021 S2CHIN79952ACapstone Experience: Dissertation in Chinese Language and Literature
2022 S1CHIN60071AImperial China: Thematic Studies
2022 S1CHIN60121AChinese Migration History: Inland and Overseas
2022 S1CHIN63041ASpecial Topics in Chinese Culture
2022 S2CHIN22642AChinese eroticism
2021 S2CHIN32212AThematic study in Chinese history and culture (capstone experience)
2022 S1CHIN32211AThematic study in Chinese history and culture (capstone experience)
2024 S1CHIN60121AChinese Migration History: Inland and Overseas
2024 S1CHIN63041ASpecial Topics in Chinese Culture
2024 S2CHIN22642AChinese eroticism
Supervision of Research Postgraduate Students
StatusThesis TitleField of StudyStudent
A Study of the Chinese Canadians Identity and Social Status in Comparison with Other Minority Ethnic Groups in the 20th Century 20世紀加拿大華人與其他少數族裔的社會身分與地位比較A Study of the Chinese Canadians Social Status in Comparison with Other Minority Ethnic Groups in the 20th Century 20世紀加拿大華人與其他少數族裔的社會地位比較2009 Phd
Chow Ka Kin Kelvin
A Study of Livelihood and City Policy in Chang'an, the Capital of Tang Dynasty (618-907) 唐代首都長安的居民生計與城市政策研究Chinese Culture History2000 Phd
Lau Cheung Cheung
The Relationship between Emperors and Monks in the Northwest Region in the Sixteen Kingdoms Period: Theoretical Model and Data Visualization 五胡十六國時代西北政權之君主與僧人關係研究:沙漏理論模型及史料視像化Chinese History and Culture2012 MPhil
Siu Sai Yau
The Change in Mode of Economy of Fujian Region during Tang-Song Period 唐宋時期福建經濟模式轉變研究The Studies of the Development of Fujian's Economy during Tang and Song Period2007 MPhil
Leung Chun Hoi
Salvation from Above: The Christian Missions of the To Tsai Ui Tong, The Independent Church of Hong Kong, 1843-1926 天道下濟:香港華人自理會道濟會堂傳教事業研究(1843-1926)History of Hong Kong2008 Phd
Ip Sum Ming
The Life and Thought of Wen ZhengMing (1470-1559) 文徵明的生平與思想The Intellectual History of Ming China2003 MPhil
Lo Shuk Wah
The Unfolding and Transfortmation of Daoism in Hong Kong 香港道教的發展與蛻變研究Hong Kong Taoism and Taoist Temples2005 MPhil
Li Men Dik
A Study of Women in Families of Government Officials in the Tang Dynasty (618-907)唐代宦門婦女研究Culture of the Tang Dynasty2001 Phd
Shum Ching Man Olivia
A Study of Linghu Chu (766-837) 《令狐楚 (766-837) 研究》 Political History of Tang Dynasty2008 MPhil
Chiang Wai Yan
Disaster, Disease and Faith: Canadian Presbyterian Mission in Modern North Henan 災禍、疾病與信仰:加拿大長老會與近代豫北社會Encounter of Christianity and Chinese Culture2010 Phd
Zhao Ruijuan
Non-Mainstream Intellectual Phenomenon in the Mid-Tang Period – Characteristics of Dan Zhu's (724-770) Chun Qiu Study and related Social Background 中唐儒學思想的異采──啖助(724-770)治《春秋》的特點及其相關社會背景 Intellectual Development in the Mid-Tang Period (724-770)2010 MPhil
Wong Hon Meng
A Study of the Social Status of the Canadian Chinese during the Mid-twentieth Century (20 世紀中葉加拿大華人地位轉變之研究)Study of Chinese Canadians2005 MPhil
Chow Ka Kin Kelvin
明未 清初知識分子﹑耶穌會士與《祟禛曆書》的編纂 The Contributions of Intellectuals and Jesuit Missionaires of the Late Ming and Early Qing Period to the Compilation of the Chongzhen Lishu (Calendar Compendium of the Chongzhen Reign)Histroy of Chinese Science and Civilization2002 MPhil
Wong Chun Wai
唐代 (618-907) 朝鮮半島僑民研究 A study on the immigrants from the Korean Peninsular in the Tang Dynasty (618-907)Ancient Sino-Korean Cultural Relations During the Sui and Tang Dynasties2002 MPhil
Ng Mei Pou Mabel
Wong Yuk Ting
Li Guangdi (1642-1718) and the official Cheng-Zhu Learning in the Early Qing 李光地與清初官方程朱理學Qing History2014 MPhil
Yu Tsz Chuen
A Study on the Relationship between Guo Ziyi (697-781) and Shuofang Jün 郭子儀(697-781)與朔方軍之關係研究A Military Study of Tang’s Dynasty 2015 MPhil
Chiu Ying Ki Celia
HKU Committee Appointments
Start DateEnd DateCommitteeCategoryBody
1988-09-012016-06-30Faculty of Arts, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University