Name Card
rp01033 picture

Professor Yeh, Anthony Gar On 葉嘉安

Chair Professor
Director, Geographical/Land Information System Research Centre
Professor (Non-Clinical)
Personal Professor
Chan To Haan Professor in Urban Planning and Design

Teaching List, Current
2022 S2URBP68652ADissertation
2023 S1URBP69111AFoundation course on statistics and quantitative methods
2023 S2CCCH90022AChinese Cities in the 21st Century
2023 S2URBP70032AResearch methods in spatial planning
2023 S2URBS40062AUrban Research Studio
2019 S2CCCH90022XChinese Cities in the 21st Century
2021 S1URBP69111AFoundation course on statistics and quantitative methods
2021 S2CCCH90022AChinese Cities in the 21st Century
2021 S2URBP70032AResearch methods in spatial planning
2021 S2URBS40062AUrban Research Studio
2023 S2CCCH90022AXChinese Cities in the 21st Century
2022 S2URBA60102ASpecial Study in Urban Analytics
2019 S2URBP69072ASpecial study in urban planning
2019 S1URBS40021AAdvanced Urban Studies Studio II
2019 S8CCCH9002SAChinese Cities in the 21st Century
2019 S2CCCH90022AChinese Cities in the 21st Century
2019 S2CCCH90022AXChinese Cities in the 21st Century
2019 S2URBP68652ADissertation
2019 S2URBP70032AResearch methods in spatial planning
2019 S2URBS40022AAdvanced Urban Studies Studio II
2021 S2CCCH90022AXChinese Cities in the 21st Century
2022 S2CCCH90022AXChinese Cities in the 21st Century
2020 S2URBP68652ADissertation
2018 S2CCCH90022AXChinese Cities in the 21st Century
2020 S1URBP69111AFoundation course on statistics and quantitative methods
2018 S2URBS40022AAdvanced urban studies studio II
2018 S2URBP68652ADissertation
2018 S1URBP68651ADissertation
2018 S2CCCH90022AChinese Cities in the 21st Century
2020 S2CCCH90022AChinese Cities in the 21st Century
2020 S2URBP70032AResearch methods in spatial planning
2020 S2URBS40022AAdvanced Urban Studies Studio II
2022 S1URBP69111AFoundation course on statistics and quantitative methods
2022 S1URBP70031AResearch methods in spatial planning
2022 S2CCCH90022AChinese Cities in the 21st Century
2022 S2URBP70032AResearch methods in spatial planning
2022 S2URBS40062AUrban Research Studio
2021 S2URBP68652ADissertation
2024 S2URBP70032AResearch methods in spatial planning
2024 S2CCCH90022AXChinese Cities in the 21st Century
Supervision of Research Postgraduate Students
StatusThesis TitleField of StudyStudent
“Urban Computing of 3D Window Views in High-rise, High-density Cities Based on City Information Models and Machine Learning”Geographic Information Science2019 Phd
Li Maosu
Self-containment of Employment in Shenzhen - A Mobile Phone Data ApproachUrban Planning2011 Phd
Zhou Xingang
Spatial Economy and Planning2024 Phd
Xie Jinfeng
Urban Environmental Studies2024 MPhil
Hu Jia
Spatial-temporal Dependency of Traffic Flow and Its Implication for Short-term Traffic ForecastingIntelligent Transportation System2001 Phd
Yue Yang
Towards the development of a component-based urban planning support systemDevelopment of GIS-Based spatial decion support system for urban environmental planning and management: A case study1996 Phd
Qiao Jiming
"Schooling Marketization and Entrepreneurial Urbanism: Making New Mobility, Space and Urban Politics in Chinese Cities"Urban Planning2017 Phd
Zhang Mengzhu
Street vendors in Chinese cities since the economic reform: a case study of GuangzhouCooperation in Greater Pearl River Delta2008 Phd
Liu Kaizhi
Automatic Detection of Land Cover Changes Using Multi-Temporal Polarimetric SAR ImageryGIS/Remete Sensing2010 Phd
Zhang Xiaohu
Service Linkages and Intra-urban Location of Producer Services: A Case Study of GuangzhouUrban Development Model, Mechanism and Policy Selection in the Transitional Era of China, esp. the Urban System in China2001 Phd
Yi Hong
Transportation Disadvantages and Social Exclusion in PakistanUrbanization and Land Development in Post-reform China2011 Phd
Adeel Muhammad
Individual Resilience to Urban Flooding and the Implications for Urban ManagementUrban Planning2013 Phd
Song Jing
Land Supply and Land-use Planning of Public Open Space in Hong KongUrban Planning2012 Phd
Cheung Man Wai
Automatic Extraction of Indoor Navigation Graph from Building Information ModelIntelligent Transportation Systems; Geographic Information Science2012 Phd
Zhong Teng
The Role of the State in China's Urban System Development: Government Capacity, Institution, and PolicyUrban Studies2011 Phd
Wang Jiejing
Spatial and Temporal Regularized Compressive Sensing for Urban Traffic MonitoringGIS in Transportation and Urban Planning2010 Phd
Lan Tian
The Administrative Allocated Land and Urban Development in China, A Case Study of GuangzhouUrban Planning 2012 Phd
Liu Dongyuan
Fine Particulate Matter in Chinese Cities: Patterns, Regional Transport, and MitigationGeographic Information System, Remote Sensing, Land Use Planning2012 Phd
Liu Jianzheng
Urban Form Index for Quantitative Urban Morphology and Urban Design AnalysesUrban Planning, New Town Development, GIS-related Simulation Model2012 Phd
Ye Yu
Assessment of Environmental Noise in High-Density Cities: Simulation, Measurement, and Data AnalyticsEnvironmental/Urban Studies and Planning2014 Phd
Guo Mengdi
Institutional Diversity in Transferring Land Development Rights in China: Government, Market, and Self-organizationLand Institution, Land Policy2014 Phd
Shi Chen
Institutional Change in Rural China: A Case Study of Rural Shareholding Cooperatives in GuangzhouUrban Planning2012 Phd
Liu Zhuojun
Short-Interval Monitoring of Land Use Changes with RADARSAT-1Application of Radar Remote Sensing in Urban Land Use Administration2004 Phd
Chen Xiaoyue
Inter-provincial Regional Cooperation in China – A Case Study of Pan-Pearl River Delta CooperationThe Economic Development of Pan Pearl River Delta2005 Phd
Chen Yu
From Associations to Info-sociations: Civic Environmentalism and Information Communication Technologies In three Asian Tiger CitiesUrban Sustainability, Asia-Pacific Cities2006 Phd
Sadoway David
Housing and new town development/urban redevelopment1994 Phd
Cheng Yun
Intercity Migration and Urban System Development in ChinaIntercity migration, urban system2013 Phd
Mu Xiaoyan
Short-Interval Monitoring of Land Use and Land Cover Change Using RADARSAT-2 Polarimetric SAR ImagesRemote Sensing and GIS2008 Phd
Qi Zhixin
A Self-learning Short-term Traffic Forecasting System through Dynamic Hybrid ApproachIntelligent Transportation System2003 Phd
Zhu Jiasong
Temporal and spatial pattern of foreign investment in Guangdong Province (1980-1997)Globolization and transborder economic activities of Chinese enterprises1998 MPhil
Xu Zhihua
The Built Environment Impacts on Travel Behaviors in the context of China: Evidences from Transit Oriented Development areas in ShenzhenUrban Redevelopment2009 Phd
Lin Li
A Simulation Model for Assessing Traffic Related PM Pollution in Street Canyons of High-density CitiesEnvironmental Urban Studies and Planning2012 Phd
Zhang Anqi
Collaborative Environment Management in the Real River Delta: An Urban Operation Research Approach for Electricity ConsumptionUrban Development and Cooperation2009 Phd
Zhang Yingxuan
Spatio-Temporal Development of Foreign Investment in Guangdong, 1980-2006Temporal and Spatial Pattern of Foreign Investment in Guangdong Province (1980-2003)2005 Phd
Xu Zhihua
Social Capital, Lineage and in situ Urbanization, the Case of “Villages within City”, Shenzhen, ChinaSustainable Urban Regeneration2007 Phd
Liu Weibin
The planning and monitoring of sustainable transpsort development with accessibility gap index using GISUrban Transport System Management and Planning1997 Phd
Kwok Ching Wa Rebecca
Construction Management2023 MPhil
Chen Sou Han
Integrating Case-based Reasoning and Geographic Information Systems for Urban PlanningGeographic Information System1996 MPhil
Shi Xun
Urban Analytics and Smart Cities2023 Phd
Luo Bingyu
Urban Analytics and Smart Cities2022 Phd
Tong Scarlet Nga Chin
Two Essays on Empirical MicroeconomicsManagement and Strategy2018 Phd
Xie Yu
“Human Mobility in Response to Environmental Hazards in China: New Approaches to Environmental Inequalities”Geographic Information Science and Big Data2018 Phd
Xia Chang
Urban Environmental Studies2023 Phd
Zhou Jianming
Healthy Cities: Built Environment and Health2020 Phd
Zheng Yiling
“Missing Links in the Chinese National Highway Network: Spatial Pattern, Accessibility Reduction, and Inter-jurisdictional Conflicts in Cross-Boundary Governance”Urban Planning2015 Phd
Bian Fang
Accessibility and Social Inequality in Urban China: A Case Study of GuangzhouSpace-time Behavior and Its Applications in Planning2015 Phd
Chen Zifeng
Robotics2023 Phd
Pan Yipeng
“Determinants of Urban Ridesplitting Service Performance: A Spatio-Temporal Exploration and Simulation with Big Data”Urban Computing, Urban Planning, Transportation2019 Phd
Huang Guan
Construction Management2021 Phd
Wu Yijie
Air Pollution and Health Disparities in China: Differential Exposure and Unequal Health EffectEnvironmental Health2016 Phd
Guo Huagui
Economic and Social Upgrading of the Pearl River Delta, ChinaRegional Planning 2014 Phd
Wang Xu
“Urban Socio-Spatial Structure and Intracity Mobility in Chinese Cities: A Case Study of Shenzhen”"Geographic Information System"2017 Phd
Shi Run
Urban Analytics and Smart Cities2021 Phd
Zu Jinyan
Urban Planning and Design2021 Phd
Peiris Mutu Tantrige Osada Vishvajith
Business Centre Hierarchy in the Pearl River Delta Mega-City Region, ChinaSmart Cities, Quantitative Urban Study2020 Phd
Luo Zixin
Urban Analytics and Smart Cities2022 Phd
Wang Sunyu
Understanding Ride-hailing and Inventing Future Transit: Pathways to Spatial JusticeUrban Economic Development and Big Data2018 Phd
Qiao Si
“Impacts of Urban Rail Transit on Local Air Pollution: Evidence from Path Analysis of 104 Chinese Cities and Quasi-experiments in Shenzhen and Hong Kong"Urban Planning & Environmental Policy2018 Phd
Ou Yifu
Modern Construction Management2024 Phd
Meng Siyuan
HKU Committee Appointments
Start DateEnd DateCommitteeCategoryBody
2007-05-052010-05-04Technology Support Centre, Committee of Management of theA member who is not a user of the Technology Support Centre services, appointed by the Vice-ChancellorPresident and Vice-Chancellor
2004-05-052007-05-04Technology Support Centre, Committee of Management of theA member who is not a user of the Technology Support Centre services, appointed by the Vice-ChancellorPresident and Vice-Chancellor
1998-11-132000-11-12Board of Graduate StudiesDean and Associate Deans of the Graduate School
2009-07-012011-06-30University Selection and Promotion Committee3 Chair Prof (excluding any who is a Dean) appointed by VC, in consultation with HRPC, for a period of 24 months, with 1 Chair Prof from among members of each of the following groups of Bds of Fac:(a) Dent/Med(b) Arch/Eng/Sci(c) Arts/B&E/Edu/Law/SocSci
2011-07-012012-06-30University Selection and Promotion Committee3 Chair Prof (excluding any who is a Dean) appointed by VC, in consultation with HRPC, for a period of 24 months, with 1 Chair Prof from among members of each of the following groups of Bds of Fac:(a) Dent/Med(b) Arch/Eng/Sci(c) Arts/B&E/Edu/Law/SocSci
2008-08-012009-07-31Teaching and Learning Quality CommitteeDean, Graduate School
2006-08-012008-07-31Teaching and Learning Quality CommitteeDean, Graduate School
2004-08-012006-07-31Teaching and Learning Quality CommitteeDean, Graduate School
2002-08-012004-07-31Teaching and Learning Quality CommitteeDean, Graduate School
2002-07-012002-07-31Teaching and Learning Quality CommitteeDean, Graduate School
2002-01-292002-06-30Teaching and Learning Quality CommitteeDean, Graduate School
2001-09-012003-08-31Transport, Committee onTwo teachers, appointed by the CouncilCouncil
1999-08-172001-08-31Transport, Committee onTwo teachers, appointed by the CouncilCouncil
2007-04-012010-06-30Transport, Committee onTwo teachers, appointed by the Vice-ChancellorPresident and Vice-Chancellor
2004-04-012007-03-31Transport, Committee onTwo teachers, appointed by the Vice-ChancellorPresident and Vice-Chancellor
1991-07-012008-06-30Urban Planning, Board of Studies inFull-time teachers of CUPEM
2022-11-082024-04-30Faculty of Architecture, Board of theThe ChairmanArchitecture Faculty Board
2024-05-01Faculty of Architecture, Board of theThe Dean of Faculty
2023-07-01Faculty of Architecture, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2021-07-012023-06-30Faculty of Architecture, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2018-07-012021-06-30Faculty of Architecture, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2013-07-012018-06-30Faculty of Architecture, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2008-07-012013-06-30Faculty of Architecture, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2020-03-052022-01-11Election Complaint CommitteeTwo members of the Senate, appointed by the CouncilCouncil
1997-07-012005-06-21Appointment of Professors and Readers, Board for theThe Professors, provided that Emeritus Professors, Honorary Professors and part-time professors shall not be members under this category
1999-07-012001-06-30Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management Committee of ManagementThe Assistant Director
2008-09-012010-08-31Information Technology Advisory CommitteeThree members from the non-Faculty units, appointed by the Senate for two years at a timeSenate
2006-09-012008-08-31Information Technology Advisory CommitteeThree members from the non-Faculty units, appointed by the Senate for two years at a timeSenate
2004-09-012006-08-31Information Technology Advisory CommitteeThree members from the non-Faculty units, appointed by the Senate for two years at a timeSenate
2002-09-012004-08-31Information Technology Advisory CommitteeThree members from the non-Faculty units, appointed by the Senate for two years at a timeSenate
2000-07-012002-08-31Information Technology Advisory CommitteeThree members from the non-Faculty units, appointed by the Senate for two years at a timeSenate
1998-09-012000-06-30Information Technology Advisory CommitteeThree members from the non-Faculty units, appointed by the Senate for two years at a timeSenate
1995-07-011998-08-31Information Technology Advisory CommitteeThree members from the non-Faculty units, appointed by the Senate for two years at a timeSenate
1988-01-011995-06-30Information Technology Advisory CommitteeThree members from the non-Faculty units, appointed by the Senate for two years at a timeSenate
2015-07-012017-06-30Information Technology Advisory CommitteeThe Chairman of the Advisory and Coordination Group on Information Infrastructure and Services
2018-05-302021-05-29Information Technology Policy CommitteeA teacher who is a member of the Faculty of Architecture, Dentistry, Engineering, Medicine, or Science, appointed by the Council on the nomination of the President & Vice-ChancellorCouncil
2024-05-01Court Life Membership CommitteeThe Dean of each Faculty
2024-04-172024-06-30Disciplinary CommitteeTeacher Panel
2020-07-012021-06-30Disciplinary CommitteeTeacher PanelSenate
2018-07-012019-06-30Disciplinary CommitteeTeacher PanelSenate
2016-07-012017-06-30Disciplinary CommitteeTeacher PanelSenate
2014-07-012015-06-30Disciplinary CommitteeTeacher PanelSenate
2012-07-012013-06-30Disciplinary CommitteeTeacher PanelSenate
2010-07-012011-06-30Disciplinary CommitteeTeacher PanelSenate
2008-07-012009-06-30Disciplinary CommitteeTeacher PanelSenate
2007-07-012008-06-30Disciplinary CommitteeTeacher PanelSenate
2005-07-012006-06-30Disciplinary CommitteeTeacher PanelSenate
2001-07-012002-06-30Disciplinary CommitteeTeacher PanelSenate
2019-07-262019-09-03Discontinuation, Committee onChairman (Member of the Senate appointed by the Senate for 2 years)Senate
2016-09-012018-08-31Discontinuation, Committee onChairman (Member of the Senate appointed by the Senate for 2 years)Senate
2013-01-122015-01-11Discontinuation, Committee onChairman (Member of the Senate appointed by the Senate for 2 years)Senate
2012-02-102013-01-11Discontinuation, Committee onChairman (Member of the Senate appointed by the Senate for 2 years)Senate
2010-02-102012-02-09Discontinuation, Committee onChairman (Member of the Senate appointed by the Senate for 2 years)Senate
2016-07-152016-08-31Discontinuation, Committee onVice-Chairman (Member of the Senate appointed by the Senate for 2 years)Senate
2008-08-012009-07-31Discontinuation, Committee onThe Dean of Graduate School or his delegate, for cases involving research postgraduate students
2006-08-012008-07-31Discontinuation, Committee onThe Dean of Graduate School or his delegate, for cases involving research postgraduate students
2004-08-012006-07-31Discontinuation, Committee onThe Dean of Graduate School or his delegate, for cases involving research postgraduate students
2002-08-012004-07-31Discontinuation, Committee onThe Dean of Graduate School or his delegate, for cases involving research postgraduate students
2002-07-012002-07-31Discontinuation, Committee onThe Dean of Graduate School or his delegate, for cases involving research postgraduate students
2002-01-292002-06-30Discontinuation, Committee onThe Dean of Graduate School or his delegate, for cases involving research postgraduate students
1992-05-041995-06-30Accommodation CommitteeTwo Teachers appointed by the Estates CommitteeEstates Cttee
2004-04-012007-03-31Accommodation CommitteeFour members of the University appointed by the President & Vice-ChancellorPresident and Vice-Chancellor
2002-09-012004-02-24Accommodation CommitteeTwo teachers appointed by the Senate from departments in the Faculties of Architecture, Arts, Education, Law and Social Sciences, and the Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental ManagementSenate
2000-07-012002-08-31Accommodation CommitteeTwo teachers appointed by the Senate from departments in the Faculties of Architecture, Arts, Education, Law and Social Sciences, and the Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental ManagementSenate
1998-09-012000-06-30Accommodation CommitteeTwo teachers appointed by the Senate from departments in the Faculties of Architecture, Arts, Education, Law and Social Sciences, and the Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental ManagementSenate
1995-07-011998-08-31Accommodation CommitteeTwo teachers appointed by the Senate from departments in the Faculties of Architecture, Arts, Education, Law and Social Sciences, and the Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental ManagementSenate
2018-04-102020-04-06Governance Committee of the Residential Colleges on Lung Wah StreetOne member, from amongst professoriate and non-professoriate teaching staff of the University (appointed by the Senate for two years at a time)Senate
2016-04-142018-04-06Governance Committee of the Residential Colleges on Lung Wah StreetOne member, from amongst professoriate and non-professoriate teaching staff of the University (appointed by the Senate for two years at a time)Senate
2013-10-252016-04-06Governance Committee of the Residential Colleges on Lung Wah StreetOne member, from amongst professoriate and non-professoriate teaching staff of the University (appointed by the Senate for two years at a time)Senate
2011-10-252013-10-24Governance Committee of the Residential Colleges on Lung Wah StreetOne member, from amongst professoriate and non-professoriate teaching staff of the University (appointed by the Senate for two years at a time)Senate
2008-08-012009-07-31SenateDean of the Graduate School
2006-08-012008-07-31SenateDean of the Graduate School
2004-08-012006-07-31SenateDean of the Graduate School
2002-08-012004-07-31SenateDean of the Graduate School
2002-07-012002-07-31SenateDean of the Graduate School
2002-01-292002-06-30SenateDean of the Graduate School
2024-05-01SenateDean of each Faculty
2022-11-082024-04-30SenateChairman of each Board of the FacultyArchitecture Faculty Board
2013-01-122016-01-11Senate12 elected Professors (Group A)
2010-01-122013-01-11Senate12 elected Professors (Group A)
2016-01-122019-01-11Senate12 elected Professors (Group B)
2019-01-122022-01-11Senate12 elected Professors (Group B)Senate
2008-08-012009-07-31Graduate House Committee of ManagementThe Dean of Graduate School (ex-officio)(Vice-Chairman)
2006-08-012008-07-31Graduate House Committee of ManagementThe Dean of Graduate School (ex-officio)(Vice-Chairman)
2004-08-012006-07-31Graduate House Committee of ManagementThe Dean of Graduate School (ex-officio)(Vice-Chairman)
2002-08-012004-07-31Graduate House Committee of ManagementThe Dean of Graduate School (ex-officio)(Vice-Chairman)
2002-07-012002-07-31Graduate House Committee of ManagementThe Dean of Graduate School (ex-officio)(Vice-Chairman)
2002-01-292002-06-30Graduate House Committee of ManagementThe Dean of Graduate School (ex-officio)(Vice-Chairman)
2012-01-262013-01-11Higher Doctorates, Committee onThe Vice-Chairman (The Chairman and Vice-Chairman (members of the Senate appointed for two years at a time))Senate
2010-01-262012-01-25Higher Doctorates, Committee onThe Vice-Chairman (The Chairman and Vice-Chairman (members of the Senate appointed for two years at a time))Senate
2006-07-012008-06-30Higher Doctorates, Committee onThree teachers appointed by the Senate for two years at a time, renewable up to a maximum of four consecutive yearsSenate
2004-05-042006-06-30Higher Doctorates, Committee onThree teachers appointed by the Senate for two years at a time, renewable up to a maximum of four consecutive yearsSenate
2017-02-092020-02-08Honorary University Fellows, Committee on2 members of the Senate elected by the Senate
2013-05-132016-05-12Honorary University Fellows, Committee on2 members of the Senate elected by the SenateSenate
2010-05-132013-05-12Honorary University Fellows, Committee on2 members of the Senate elected by the SenateSenate
2018-05-012020-04-30Hui Oi-Chow Trust Fund Committee of ManagementA teacher who is not a member of the Department of Geography, appointed by the Senate for two years at a time
2016-05-012018-04-30Hui Oi-Chow Trust Fund Committee of ManagementA teacher who is not a member of the Department of Geography, appointed by the Senate for two years at a timeSenate
2014-05-012016-04-30Hui Oi-Chow Trust Fund Committee of ManagementA teacher who is not a member of the Department of Geography, appointed by the Senate for two years at a timeSenate
2012-05-012014-04-30Hui Oi-Chow Trust Fund Committee of ManagementA teacher who is not a member of the Department of Geography, appointed by the Senate for two years at a timeSenate
2010-05-182012-04-30Hui Oi-Chow Trust Fund Committee of ManagementA teacher who is not a member of the Department of Geography, appointed by the Senate for two years at a timeSenate
2007-09-042009-06-30Hui Oi-Chow Trust Fund Committee of ManagementA teacher who is not a member of the Department of Geography, appointed by the Senate for two years at a timeSenate
1996-07-011998-06-30Library CommitteeOne member appointed by the Senate for two years at a time, renewable to a maximum of four consecutive years, from amongst the staff of the HKIHSS, and HKU SPACESenate
1994-07-011996-06-30Library CommitteeOne member appointed by the Senate for two years at a time, renewable to a maximum of four consecutive years, from amongst the staff of the HKIHSS, and HKU SPACESenate
2008-08-012009-07-31Research and Conference Grants, Committee onThe Dean of the Graduate School
2006-08-012008-07-31Research and Conference Grants, Committee onThe Dean of the Graduate School
2004-08-012006-07-31Research and Conference Grants, Committee onThe Dean of the Graduate School
2002-08-012004-07-31Research and Conference Grants, Committee onThe Dean of the Graduate School
2002-07-012002-07-31Research and Conference Grants, Committee onThe Dean of the Graduate School
2002-01-292002-06-30Research and Conference Grants, Committee onThe Dean of the Graduate School
2008-08-012009-07-31University Research CommitteeThe Dean of the Graduate School or his/her representative
2006-08-012008-07-31University Research CommitteeThe Dean of the Graduate School or his/her representative
2004-08-012006-07-31University Research CommitteeThe Dean of the Graduate School or his/her representative
2002-08-012004-07-31University Research CommitteeThe Dean of the Graduate School or his/her representative
2002-07-012002-07-31University Research CommitteeThe Dean of the Graduate School or his/her representative
2002-01-292002-06-30University Research CommitteeThe Dean of the Graduate School or his/her representative
1995-09-292003-12-31Vice-Chancellor's Resources Liaison GroupOne academic memberPresident and Vice-Chancellor
2016-07-012018-06-30Enquiry into Possible Good Cause, Committee ofA panel of 12 members of the Senate who are teachers, appointed by the Senate for 2 years at a timeSenate
2008-07-012009-07-31Enquiry into Possible Good Cause, Committee ofA panel of 12 members of the Senate who are teachers, appointed by the Senate for 2 years at a timeSenate
2008-08-012009-07-31Postgraduate Education, Policy Board ofDean and Associate Deans of Graduate School
2006-08-012008-07-31Postgraduate Education, Policy Board ofDean and Associate Deans of Graduate School
2004-08-012006-07-31Postgraduate Education, Policy Board ofDean and Associate Deans of Graduate School
2002-08-012004-07-31Postgraduate Education, Policy Board ofDean and Associate Deans of Graduate School
2002-07-012002-07-31Postgraduate Education, Policy Board ofDean and Associate Deans of Graduate School
2000-11-132002-06-30Postgraduate Education, Policy Board ofDean and Associate Deans of Graduate School
1998-11-132000-11-12Postgraduate Education, Policy Board ofDean and Associate Deans of Graduate School
2008-08-012009-07-31Board of Graduate StudiesDean and Associate Deans of the Graduate School
2006-08-012008-07-31Board of Graduate StudiesDean and Associate Deans of the Graduate School
2004-08-012006-07-31Board of Graduate StudiesDean and Associate Deans of the Graduate School
2002-08-012004-07-31Board of Graduate StudiesDean and Associate Deans of the Graduate School
2002-07-012002-07-31Board of Graduate StudiesDean and Associate Deans of the Graduate School
2000-11-132002-06-30Board of Graduate StudiesDean and Associate Deans of the Graduate School
2008-08-012009-07-31Board of Examination for Graduate StudiesDean and Associate Deans of the Graduate School
2006-08-012008-07-31Board of Examination for Graduate StudiesDean and Associate Deans of the Graduate School
2004-08-012006-07-31Board of Examination for Graduate StudiesDean and Associate Deans of the Graduate School
2002-08-012004-07-31Board of Examination for Graduate StudiesDean and Associate Deans of the Graduate School
2002-07-012002-07-31Board of Examination for Graduate StudiesDean and Associate Deans of the Graduate School
2000-11-132002-06-30Board of Examination for Graduate StudiesDean and Associate Deans of the Graduate School
1998-11-132000-11-12Board of Examination for Graduate StudiesDean and Associate Deans of the Graduate School
2001-04-042003-05-31China Affairs, Advisory Committee onUp to 12 members (including the Chairman)
1987-07-011993-06-30Faculty of Social Sciences, Board of theSuch other teachers as may be appointed to the Board by the SenateSenate
2013-02-072016-02-06Budget and Resources CommitteeTwo teachers from the Senate, not being Deans of Faculties, elected by the Senate
2024-05-01Senior Management Team and the Deans, Committee of theThe Dean of each Faculty
2005-11-232009-07-31Senior Management Team and the Deans, Committee of theCo-opted members