Name Card
rp00960 picture

Miss Tavares, Nicole Judith

Senior Lecturer


Teaching List, Current
2024 S1MEDD88431ATextual analysis I: Academic literacies in science and mathematics
2023 S1EDUC6717FBMethods course: English (Secondary)
2023 S1EDUC6750FB4Collaborative lesson inquiry
2023 S1MEDD88431ATextual analysis I: Academic literacies in science and mathematics
2023 S2MEDD67022ALanguage awareness: Grammar and lexis
2024 S1EDUC6717FCMethods course: English (Secondary)
2024 S1EDUC6750FC4Collaborative lesson inquiry
2024 S1MAES70081AEnglish Language Teaching Methodology (COIL)
2024 S1MAES70081BEnglish Language Teaching Methodology (COIL)
2024 S2BBED52242APedagogy IV: Learning and teaching English in secondary school (Literacy)
2024 S2EDUC6717FCMethods course: English (Secondary)
2024 S2EDUC6750FC4Collaborative lesson inquiry
2024 S2MEDD67022ALanguage awareness: Grammar and lexis
2023 S2BBED52242APedagogy IV: Learning and teaching English in secondary school (Literacy)
2023 S2EDUC6717FBMethods course: English (Secondary)
2023 S2EDUC6750FB4Collaborative lesson inquiry
2021 S1EDUC6717FBMethods course: English (Secondary)
2021 S1EDUC6750FB4Collaborative lesson inquiry
2021 S1MAES70011AEnglish Language Teaching Methodology
2021 S1MAES70011BEnglish Language Teaching Methodology
2021 S1MEDD88431ATextual analysis I: Academic literacies in science and mathematics
2021 S2EDUC6750FB4Collaborative lesson inquiry
2021 S2MEDD67022ALanguage awareness: Grammar and lexis
2021 S2BBED42232BPedagogy III: Learning and teaching English in secondary school (Oracy)
2021 S2BBED52242APedagogy IV: Learning and teaching English in secondary school (Literacy)
2021 S2EDUC6717FBMethods course: English (Secondary)
2018 S8MAES7200SAProject by Independent Study
2019 S1EDUC6706FBMethods course: English
2019 S1EDUC6750FB4Collaborative lesson inquiry
2019 S1MAES70011AEnglish Language Teaching Methodology
2019 S1MAES70011BEnglish Language Teaching Methodology
2019 S1MEDD88431ATextual analysis I: Academic literacies in science and mathematics
2019 S2BBED42232APedagogy III: Learning and teaching English in secondary school (Oracy)
2019 S2BBED52242APedagogy IV: Learning and teaching English in secondary school (Literacy)
2019 S2EDUC6706FBMethods course: English
2019 S2EDUC6750FB4Collaborative lesson inquiry
2019 S2MEDD67022ALanguage awareness: Grammar and lexis
2022 S8MAES7200SAProject by Independent Study
2020 S1EDUC6706FCMethods course: English
2020 S1EDUC6750FC4Collaborative lesson inquiry
2020 S1MAES70011BEnglish Language Teaching Methodology
2020 S1MAES70011AEnglish Language Teaching Methodology
2018 S1EDUC6706FCMethods course: English
2018 S2BBED52242APedagogy IV: Learning and teaching English in secondary school (Literacy)
2020 S1MEDD88431ATextual analysis I: Academic literacies in science and mathematics
2018 S2EDUC6706FCMethods course: English
2018 S1EDUC6750FC4Collaborative lesson inquiry
2018 S1MAES70011BEnglish Language Teaching Methodology
2018 S1MEDD88431ATextual analysis I: Academic literacies in science and mathematics
2020 S2BBED42232APedagogy III: Learning and teaching English in secondary school (Oracy)
2020 S2BBED52242APedagogy IV: Learning and teaching English in secondary school (Literacy)
2018 S2EDUC6750FC4Collaborative lesson inquiry
2018 S1MAES70011AEnglish Language Teaching Methodology
2018 S2BBED42232APedagogy III: Learning and teaching English in secondary school (Oracy)
2018 S2MEDD67022ALanguage awareness: Grammar and lexis
2020 S2EDUC6706FCMethods course: English
2020 S2EDUC6750FC4Collaborative lesson inquiry
2020 S2MEDD67022ALanguage awareness: Grammar and lexis
2021 S8MAES7200SAProject by Independent Study
2022 S1EDUC6717FCMethods course: English (Secondary)
2022 S1EDUC6750FC4Collaborative lesson inquiry
2022 S1MAES70011AEnglish Language Teaching Methodology
2022 S1MAES70011BEnglish Language Teaching Methodology
2022 S1MEDD88431ATextual analysis I: Academic literacies in science and mathematics
2022 S2BBED52242APedagogy IV: Learning and teaching English in secondary school (Literacy)
2022 S2EDUC6717FCMethods course: English (Secondary)
2022 S2EDUC6750FC4Collaborative lesson inquiry
2022 S2MEDD67022ALanguage awareness: Grammar and lexis
HKU Committee Appointments
Start DateEnd DateCommitteeCategoryBody
2008-09-012011-08-31Faculty of Education, Board of theSuch other persons not being teachers as may be appointed to the Board by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board, provided that the number of such persons shall not exceed one-fourth of the whole number of members of the BoardSenate
2014-09-012019-06-30Faculty of Education, Board of theSuch other persons not being teachers as may be appointed to the Board by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board, provided that the number of such persons shall not exceed one-fourth of the whole number of members of the BoardSenate
2011-09-012014-08-31Faculty of Education, Board of theSuch other persons not being teachers as may be appointed to the Board by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board, provided that the number of such persons shall not exceed one-fourth of the whole number of members of the BoardSenate
2004-07-212005-08-31Faculty of Education, Board of theSuch other persons not being teachers as may be appointed to the Board by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board, provided that the number of such persons shall not exceed one-fourth of the whole number of members of the BoardSenate
2022-09-012024-08-31BoS in Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other LanguagesChairperson ((MA(TESOL) Programme Director)
2024-09-01BoS in Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other LanguagesChairperson ((MA(TESOL) Programme Director)
2022-09-012024-08-31BoS in Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages(b) MA(TESOL) Programme Director
2024-09-01BoS in Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages(b) MA(TESOL) Programme Director
2019-07-012022-06-30Faculty of Education, Board of theSuch other persons not being teachers as may be appointed to the Board by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board, provided that the number of such persons shall not exceed one-fourth of the whole number of members of the Board
2022-07-012024-06-30Faculty of Education, Board of theSuch other persons not being teachers as may be appointed to the Board by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board, provided that the number of such persons shall not exceed one-fourth of the whole number of members of the BoardEducation Faculty Board
2024-07-01Faculty of Education, Board of theSuch other persons not being teachers as may be appointed to the Board by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board, provided that the number of such persons shall not exceed one-fourth of the whole number of members of the BoardEducation Faculty Board
2020-04-252022-08-31BoS in Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other LanguagesChairperson ((MA(TESOL) Programme Director)
2020-04-252022-08-31BoS in Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages(b) MA(TESOL) Programme Director