Name Card
rp00919 picture

Professor Law, Nancy Wai Ying 陸慧英

Honorary Deputy Director, Centre for Information Technology in Education
Corresponding co-convener, Sciences of Learning Strategic Research Theme
Associate Dean, Faculty of Education


Contact Information
rp00919 picture

Professor Law, Nancy Wai Ying 陸慧英

Honorary Deputy Director, Centre for Information Technology in Education
Corresponding co-convener, Sciences of Learning Strategic Research Theme
Associate Dean, Faculty of Education


Also Cited As:
Luk, Wai-ying Nancy
Law, NWY
Law, Wai-ying Nancy
Law, Nancy
Law, N

Honours, Awards & Prizes
AwardeesAward DateHonours / Awards / PrizesCategory
Siu, FLC
Henri, J
Kwan, ACM
2001-09-01Certificate of Merit (Project: Establishing communities of practice with Interactive Learning Network): Certificate of Merit. IT in Education Awards Contest. Academic Council for IT in Education (ACITE), University of Hong Kong
Research Achievement
2008-05-15Certificate of Merit - Establishing a Scalable Network of Knowledge Building Schools: Quality Education Fund
Research Achievement
2008-05-09Establishing a Scalable Network of Knowledge Building Schools: Certificate of Merit - Quality Education Fund (QEF) Outstanding Project Awards
Research Achievement
2014-06-01Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Award: Research Grants Committee, HKSAR
Research Achievement
Liang, Q
Lan, M
Zhang, Y
Pan, Q
Lam, P
2021-07-01Faculty Knowledge Exchange Award 2021: Co-creating a New Normal of Empowered Learning through Digital Citizenship Research: The University of Hong Kong
2019-03-01Fellow: The International Society of the Learning Sciences
Professional Societies
Term PeriodPositionProfessional Societies
2016-Editorial Board memberJournal of the Learning Sciences
2004 – presenteditorial board memberInternational Journal of Web Based Communities
2007-2012Board memberInternational Society of the Learning Sciences
1995-1998editorial board memberJournal of Research in Science Education
2007 - 02/2010MemberPublication and Editorial Committee of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA)
1999-2007editorial board memberJournal of Computer Assisted Learning
2010Program Committee MemberTheme-based Sub-conference “Computer-supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) and Learning Sciences” of ICCE 2010
2011-presentExecutive EditorInternational Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
2009-2011Associate EditorInternational Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
2007 – presenteditorial board memberNordic Journal of Digital Literacy
2009-2011Conference Chair9th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
2005 – presenteditorial board memberResearch and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning
07/2018-06/2021Associate EditorNature Partner Journal Science of Learning
05/2021 - 07/2023MemberUNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report Advisory Board
09/2021Invited ExpertEuropean Joint Research Centre Technical Workshop on DigComp 2.2
2017-2018Editorial Board memberFrontiers of Education in China (FED)
Media Contact Directory
Area of Expertise:
Area of Expertise (EN)Area of Expertise (ZH)
Multilevel networked learning for scalable technology-supported pedagogical innovation in schools多層網絡學習以促進信息技術支持課程與教學創新的可持續和擴展
Learning, teaching and assessment of digital citizenship, collaborative problem solving and information literacy數碼公民素養、協作解難、信息素養的教學與評核
Learning design and learning analytics tools to support pedagogical innovations at scale以學習設計和學習分析工具支持大規模的教學創新
Implementing technology-supported curriculum and pedagogical innovation and its evaluation實施信息技術支持的課程與教學創新及其評價
Ecological model of e-educational transformations電子教育改革的生態模式
Spoken Languages:
Spoken Language(s) (EN)Spoken Language(s) (ZH)
English, Putonghua, Cantonese英語、普通話、粵語
Written Languages:
Written Language(s) (EN)Written Language(s) (ZH)
Chinese, English中文、英文