Name Card
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Dr Chu, Samuel Kai Wah 朱啟華

Associate Professor

Teaching List, Current
2022 S2MLIM70002CCapstone project and dissertation
2022 S2MLIM73222ACapstone project
2022 S8MLIM7322SACapstone project
2021 S2CCHU90602AGames: Play, Learning and Society
2021 S2MITE73412AGame-based learning environments
2021 S2MLIM70002CCapstone project and dissertation
2019 S1MLIM60251AMethods of research and enquiry
2019 S2CCHU90602AGames: Play, Learning and Society
2019 S2MLIM73222BCapstone project
2018 S2MLIM60252CMethods of research and enquiry
2018 S2CCHU90602AGames: Play, Learning and Society
2020 S2MITE73412BGame-based learning environments
2020 S2MLIM60252BMethods of research and enquiry
2020 S2MLIM73222ACapstone project
2020 S8MLIM7322SACapstone project
2022 S1CCHU90601AGames: Play, Learning and Society
2022 S1CCHU90601AXGames: Play, Learning and Society
2022 S1MITE73411AGame-based learning environments
2019 S8MLIM7322SBCapstone project
2022 S8MLIM6339SAInternship in library and information management
Supervision of Research Postgraduate Students
StatusThesis TitleField of StudyStudent
Demystifying AI Literacy Education – Fostering Secondary School Students’ AI LiteracyEducation and Technology2020 Phd
Ng Tsz Kit
Using Wiki Technology for Primary-school Students’ Collaborative Projects: Affordances, Constraints and EvaluationInformation Technology in Education2011 MPhil
Fu Huijuan
Characterizing and Assessing Collective Responsibility in Computer-Supported Collaborative Inquiry EnvironmentsSciences of Learning2010 Phd
Siqin Tuya
Experimenting with a Wiki-based Collaborative Process Writing Pedagogy for Teaching and Learning of Chinese Writing among Upper Primary School Students in ChinaEffects of Fairy Tale-based Learning System and Inquiry-based Learning Approach on the Learning of Mathematics and the Attitudes among Primary Three Students2008 Phd
Li Xuanxi
“Integrated Argumentative Process-Oriented Writing Methodology” on Secondary School Students’ Chinese Writing Competence, Process and Attitude 探討「整合式議論文過程導向教學法」對中學生中文寫作能力、歷程及態度的影響Information and Technology Studies 2009 Phd
Cheung Sau Ching
The impact of gamified morphology interventions on student language learning engagement and achievementGame-based Learning, Gamification in Education2018 Phd
Qiao Shen
Examine the Factors Contributing to STEAM Learning and the Likelihood of Pursuing a STEAM Career 2022 Phd
Zhao Ying
A Proposed Multidimensional Information System Framework for Journal Evaluations: A Case Study in the Field of Education and Educational ResearchBibliometrics2011 Phd
Cheang Kar Li Brenda
Improving Mainland Chinese Undergraduates' Plagiarism-free Chinese Academic Writing through a UUPC PedagogyEducational Technology, Learning Sciences, Instructional Design, E-learning, Game-based Learning2015 Phd
Zhang Yin
Assessing the Impact of a Gamification Design Model on Students' Learning, Participation, and Motivation: A Design-based Research StudyStudents’ Motivation and Engagement in e-Learning; e-Learning Design2015 Phd
Huang Biyun
Gamification on Accounting Education2019 Phd
Cheng Pui Chak Kevin
Improving Sexual Health Education for Adolescent Students Using Game-Based Learning and Gamificatione-Learning2014 Phd
Haruna Hussein
Exploring the Effectiveness of a Scaffold-based Gamification Pedagogy on Children's Reading and its SustainabilityInteractive Courseware Development, Flipped Classroom2016 Phd
Li Xiuhan
Can Gratitude Influence Academic Success? The Effects of an Online Gratitude Intervention on Academic OutcomesEducational Technology2018 Phd
Valdez Jana Patricia Millonado
Exploring the Impact of Gamified Flipped Classroom Instruction on Secondary School Students' Disaster EducationEducational Technology2016 Phd
Zainuddin Zamzami
Artificial Intelligence Education and Music2021 Phd
Hernandez Lopez Nora Patricia
Gamification in Education; Game-based Learning; Social Media in Education2021 Phd
Chen Xinyu
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Literacy in Kindergarten: Curriculum Design and ImplementationAI Literacy in Education2021 Phd
Su Jiahong
Developing a Chatbot-Assisted Approach to Enhance the Teaching and Learning of Argumentative WritingTechnology-enhanced Language Learning2020 Phd
Guo Kai
HKU Committee Appointments
Start DateEnd DateCommitteeCategoryBody
2014-03-012017-02-28Halls, Committee onThe wardens/master of all residential halls and non-residential halls
2020-03-012020-06-15Halls, Committee onThe wardens/master of all residential halls and non-residential halls
2011-03-012014-02-28Halls, Committee onThe wardens/master of all residential halls and non-residential halls
2008-03-062011-02-28Halls, Committee onThe wardens/master of all residential halls and non-residential halls
2018-01-012018-12-31Selection of Wardens and Hall Tutors, Committee for theOne warden of a hall, appointed by the Committee for a period of one year, such warden not being in either the first year of appointment as warden nor in the last year of his current period of appointment as warden
2008-09-012011-06-30Faculty of Education, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2011-07-012023-06-30Faculty of Education, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2011-09-012013-08-31Catering, Committee onA warden and a senior tutor, nominated by the wardens for two years at a timeWardens of Halls
2017-03-012020-02-29Halls, Committee onThe wardens/master of all residential halls and non-residential halls