Name Card
rp00891 picture

Professor Chan, Carol Kwai Kuen 陳桂涓

Honorary Professor

Knowledge Exchange Activities
Activity TitleActivity TypeStart DateEnd DateMember(s)
Study Tour on Knowledge BuildingOther KE Activity Types2013-03-252013-03-27
Lee Eddy Y C
Teo Chew Lee
Literature Review on Learning Theories for Curriculum Developers In Hong KongKE Website and Mobile Device2012-12-012013-08-31
Mu Jin
DPLE Community Newsletter 1 (1)Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2015-02-162015-02-16
Launch of DPLE communityPublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2014-12-062014-12-06
Cartoons, Interaction and science learningPublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2015-02-142015-02-14
ICT workshopOther KE Activity Types2015-01-152015-01-15
Designing Learning using Technology and Educational ResoourcesPublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2015-04-112015-04-11
Knowledge Building Summer InstitutePublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2018-08-142018-08-17
Knowledge Building and Dialogic Education and Teacher PDPublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2019-07-142020-06-30
Dialogic EducationShort Course for Continuing Professional Development (CPD)2018-10-192018-10-19
Cheng Ka Lok Anthony
Knowledge Building Project and Teacher PDPublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2019-06-052020-06-30
Sustaining Innovation In SchoolsPublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2015-12-052015-12-05
Ongoing support for teachingOther KE Activity Types2015-12-042015-12-04
Ongoing Suppport to TeachersOther KE Activity Types2016-02-232016-04-06
Ongoing support for teachingOther KE Activity Types2016-06-142016-07-08
Knowledge Building Summer InstitutePublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2016-06-192016-06-24
Full-day workshop on higher-order thinkingOther KE Activity Types2015-08-262015-08-26
Ongoing Suppport to TeachersOther KE Activity Types2015-09-172016-06-07
Ongoing support for teachingOther KE Activity Types2015-10-092016-04-06
Ongoing support for teachingOther KE Activity Types2016-04-252016-05-27
2015/16 KE Impact Project Funding: KE-IP-2015/16-32: Designing Powerful Learning Environments Community (HK$85,000)KE Project Grant2015-08-072016-06-30
Using ICT in TeachingPublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2015-10-222015-10-22
Implementing a New Model of School-University Partnerships – Reflections and ImpactsPublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2017-06-132017-06-13
Cheng Ka Lok Anthony
Ongoing support for teaching innovationOther KE Activity Types2017-03-202017-06-08
Ongoing support for teaching innovationOther KE Activity Types2017-03-062017-06-09
Ongoing support for teaching Other KE Activity Types2017-02-012017-06-08
Ongoing support for teaching innovationOther KE Activity Types2017-04-122017-07-10
Organizing Teacher Workshops on Dialogic TeachingPublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2017-10-262017-11-10
Implementing new pedagogy and ongoing support for teaching innovationOther KE Activity Types2018-03-192018-05-07
Implementation of pedagogy using a learning sciences focus and support for teaching innovation Other KE Activity Types2018-05-022018-06-01
Developing sustained innovative practice and support of students on international competition Other KE Activity Types2017-10-032018-05-25
Co-organizing Teachmeet events for teacher networking and professional learning Other KE Activity Types2017-10-122018-05-28
Invited Lectures & Keynote Speeches
Education for future: Learning how to learn and knowledge building. Invited talk at the Award ceremony of the International outstanding e-Learning Award, University of Hong Kong2019-06-01
Dialogic interactions and temporal analysis of online and classroom dialogue in knowledge building, invited talk at CEDir Review Conference, University of Cambridge2019-06-01
Knowledge Building and Epistemic Games in Classroom Learning, Invited talk at the conference on game-based mathematics learning, Shenzhen, organized by Beijing University Learning Sciences Center.2019-05-01
Education for Innovation: Knowledge Building model and classroom innovation, Keynote at Conference on Smart Education, Ministry of Education, Guangzhou, China2019-03-01
Discussion on Keynote: Knowledge Building as a way of life: Present and Future Literacies, Invited talk at Knowledge Building Institute, NIE, Singapore.2019-03-01
Knowledge Building and Progressive Discourse in Dialogic Education, Invited Talk at South China Normal University, Conference on Dialogic Education2018-10-01
Learning how to learn together using technologyKeynote talk at the Launching Event of Quality Enhancement Support Scheme, VPET City, Hong Kong2018-08-01
Introduction to the Learning SciencesEast Asian Graduate Student Symposium in the Learning Sciences.2018-03-01
Inquiry and Collaboration In Technology-enhanced LearningKeynote at 7th Annual International Conference o Education & e-Learning. Singapore2017-09-01
Computer-supported Collaborative LearningLearning and Teaching Expo, Education City, Hong Kong2016-12-01
Fostering 21st Century Education Through Computer-supported Knowledge Building Big Education Platform Symposium2016-11-01
Instructional Guidance In The Learning Sciences: The Case Of Knowledge Building. An Invited Seminar Presented To The Strategic Research Theme Science Of Learning, The University Of Hong Kong2016-05-01
Education For Innovation: Knowledge Building Model And Classroom PracticeInvited Speech, Workshop On Knowledge Building, Grand High School And Nanjing Normal University, Qingdao2016-01-01
Fostering 21st century education through computer-supported knowledge building.. Keynote at 5th Annual International Conference on Education and e-Learning (EeL), Thailand2015-09-01
Developing knowledge building and teacher innovation for 21st century education. Invited TalkPuer Interational Forum On Education 2014: Transforming Education Through Innovating And Applying Ict To Fuel Education. National Commission For UNESCO2014-05-01
Designing Knowledge Building For 21st Century Learning And Classroom Innovation. Keynote TalkKnowledge Building Symposium: Future-oriented Teaching And Learning, University Of Otago, New Zealand2013-11-01
Knowledge Building And Teacher Professional Development. Invited Talk,Dujiangyan Forum 2013, Ict-enhanced Learning And Teaching For Innovation. Chinese National Commission For UNESCO2013-10-01
How People Learn and Pedagogical Innovation Under New Academic Structure. Keynote at EDB School Leaders SeminarEducation Bureau2013-05-01
Assessing and scaffolding knowledge building through a teacher networkInvited Colloquium, University of Otago, New Zealand2011-06-01
Analyzing and Scaffolding Collaborative Knowledge BuildingInvited Talk at the Workshop of Knowledge Management & E-Learning, Faculty Research Theme (FRT) on Knowledge Management2011-05-01
Designing and sustaining knowledge building through a teacher network in Hong KongInvited Colloquium, State University of New York at Albany.2011-04-01
What does it mean to be an educated adult in today's knowledge economy?The Education Project, Bahrain Economic Development Board2010-10-01
Understanding And Promoting Student Thinking And Learning, Invited Talk From Office Of Deputy Secretary Of Education, Education Bureau2009-11-01
Cognition, technology and culture in scaffolding knowledge buildingTheme-Based Keynote (CSCL/Learning Sciences), International Conference of Computers in Education2008-11-01
Developing a Knowledge-Building Teacher CommunityColloquium, The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto2007-01-01
Cognitive Processes in Reading of Chinese and EnglishFirst Conference of Reading Disabilities, South China Normal University, China2006-01-01
Is Small Class Better? Or What Makes Small Class Better?, Conference on Learning Effectiveness and Class Size, The University of Hong Kong and Employment and Manpower Bureau2005-05-01
An International Perspective on Knowledge Building, Invited Colloquium, Okanagan College, Kelowna, British Columbia2004-02-01
Developing and Assessing Higher-order Thinking in the Classroom (keynote address)The Annual Meeting of the Educational Research Association of Singapore2003-07-01
Metacognitive Approaches to Improving Teaching and LearningInvited Talk given to the Hong Kong Psychological Society Division of Educational Psychology1998-05-23
PeriodPositionJournal / Conference
2021Special Issue Editors: Videos and teacher learning
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction
2021Journal Editor Of Advances In Research On Videos And Teacher Learning
Advances In Research On Videos And Teacher Learning
2019Editorial Board Member
Learning and Instruction
2019Associate Editor
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
2019Editorial Board
Journal of the Learning Sciences
2017Associate Editor
International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
2017Editorial Board
Learning and Instruction
2017Editorial Board
Journal of the Learning Sciences
2016International Journal Of Computer-supported Collaborative Learning
2011Associate Editor
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (2012 SSCI, 5-Year Impact factor, 2.9, 10/216)
2010Editorial Board
Learning and Instruction (2012 SSCI, 5-year impact factor, 3.62, 3/216)
2010Editorial Board
Journal of the Learning Sciences (2012 SSCI, 5-year impact factor, 3.1, 9/216)
2010Editorial Board
Exceptional Children (SSCI, 5-year Impact factor, 3.587)
2010Editorial Board
Educational Psychologist (2012 SSCI, 5-year Impact factor, 4.04 4/51)
2009Editorial Board
Educational Research Review (an Official Journal Of EARLI - European Association of Research in Learning and Instruction)
2005, 2008Editorial Board Member
Educational Research Review (An Official Journal of EARLI)
2006, 2008Member of Editorial Board
Exceptional Children
2008Member of Editorial Board
Journal of the Learning Sciences
2008Editorial Board
2006Special Issue: Teacher Collaboration in Learning Communities
Teaching Education
2005Editorial Board Member
Educational Research Review
Community Service
Start DateEnd DatePositionTypeTitle
2010-02-012011-08-01Steering Committee MemberOEDB
2013-05-012016-07-01Board DirectorOEducation City
2004-09-012007-09-01External ExaminerOOpen Univerity of Hong Kong
2015-09-012019-08-01Board DirectorOEducation City
2013-05-012015-04-01Board DirectorOEducation City
2013-08-012019-07-01Steering Committee memberOBasic Comptence Assessment/TSA
2011-01-012012-12-01Steering Committe MemberOChief Executive Award for Teaching Excellence EDB
2013-08-012015-07-01Steering Committee memberOStudent Assessment Repository System, EDB
2009-09-012013-08-01Council MemberOEDB
2006-09-012007-10-01MemberPResearch Assessment Exercise