Name Card
rp00750 picture

Professor Liu, Zhonghui 柳中暉

Head, Department of Earth Sciences

Knowledge Exchange Activities
Activity TitleActivity TypeStart DateEnd DateMember(s)
Faculty Knowledge Exchange Award 2012 (Faculty of Science) for “HKU Junior Science Institute” (team award)KE Award/Prize on KE Achievement2012-07-012013-06-30
Chiu Hon Chim
Wong Chi Wing
Chan Yat Ming
Tong Pui Ling
Bevan Samantha Jane
Cheung Sze Leung
Seminar: Global Climate ChangePublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2018-07-182018-07-18
Invited Lectures & Keynote Speeches
Holocene temperature and moisture evolution in Central AsiaAGU Fall Meeting 20192019-12-01
Alkenons as an Indicator of Hydrological Changes in Brackish/Saline Lakes2010 Annual Meeting of International Society of Environmental Indicators2010-09-01
Plio-Pleistocene SST changes in warm pool regions and linkages to global climateWestern Pacific Geophysics Meeting2010-06-01
PeriodPositionJournal / Conference
2016 - 2017, 2019Associate Editor
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
2015, 2017Associate Editor
Quaternary International
2015Guest Editor
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
2014Guest Editor
Quaternary International