Name Card
rp00609 picture

Professor Lin, George Chu Sheng 林初昇

Professor, Chair of Geography
Director, International Centre for China Development Studies
Associate Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences

Principal Investigator
StatusProject CodeProject TitleAmountFunding Year
17614218China’s Urban Redevelopment Reinvented with Public Participation: Genuine Engagement or Symbolic Governance?6324212018
HKU 7219/00HChina's economic transition and land use change6858172000
HKU 7666/05HChina's new geography of information communication technology (ICT) industry: a study of Beijing, Shanghai-Suzhou, and Shenzhen-Dongguan city-regions6902882005
HKU 747509HChina's new dynamics of urbanization: Land development and municipal finance in the Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou city-regions9324342009
41271147Redevelopment of state-owned enterprises occupied land and urban spatial restructuring in Chinese cities: a comparative study of Beijing, Shenyang, and Guangzhou10048002012
HKU 746413HChina's Urbanization in Question: Mega Events, Overdrawn Capital, and Uneven Urban Transformation in the Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou City-Regions9088682013
37000322The Greening of China’s Urbanization: Common Agenda, Local Leverage, and Diverse Pathways of Eco-Urbanism8565002022
17662116Building Sustainable Cities in China: Sustainable Development and Uneven Urban Transformation in the Pearl River Delta and Jing-Jin-Ji (Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei) Urban Regions9673082016
C7028-16GAdvancing China's Urbanization Inside Out: Urban Redevelopments in Chinese Cities Amidst Accelerated Urban Transition27091152016
17610321China’s Emerging Geography of Low-Carbon Urbanism: Climate Control, Local Negotiation, and Diverse Pathways of Decarbonization9787472021