Name Card
rp00580 picture

Emeritus Professor Au, Terry Kit Fong 區潔芳

Senior Advisor
Professor (Non-Clinical)
Professor: Chair of Psychology

Teaching List, Current
2018 S1PSYC20721AResearch internship in psychology I
2018 S1PSYC6101FAThesis
2018 S2PSYC6101FAThesis
Supervision of Research Postgraduate Students
StatusThesis TitleField of StudyStudent
The Conversion of Sedentary Time to Active Time in Children: The Role of Activity Enhanced Video Game PlayChildren and Physical Activity2006 Phd
Mellecker Robin Rochelle
An Investigation into Two-digit Number Processing among Chinese Children and AdultsCognitive Psychology2007 MPhil
Chan Wai Lan
Time Perception Deficit in ADHD and Its Correlations with Early ADHD Symptoms and Early Academic AbilitiesPsychology 2018 Phd
Zheng Que
Acquiring A Better English Accent by Second Language Adolescent Learners - What can Passive Exposure Do?Health Education in Developmental Psychology2003 MPhil
Ho Yiu Shun Johnson
Strategic Counting: A Novel Assessment of Place-Value UnderstandingEducational Psychology2009 Phd
Chan Wai Lan
Learning to Read in Two Languages: Chinese and EnglishEducational Psychology2011 Phd
Shum Kar Man Kathy
When Free-play Time Is Scarce in Preschool: What Predicts Peer Acceptance and Friendship?Social Emotional Development, Parent-child Relation2012 Phd
Tse Man Yan
Psoriasis, its two labels in Chinese and its psychological impactsHealth Psychology2006 Phd
Cheung Tat Boris
Compensatory behavioral intentions: The unintended effect of intervention costCounterfactual Thinking and Theory2005 MPhil
Pang Lai Ming
Effectiveness of Attention Bias Modification Treatment for Children with Social Anxiety ProblemPsychology2011 Phd
Cheung Man Ching
Motor Experience Modulates Perceptual Representation of Objects: The Case of Chinese Character RecognitionLanguage Development and Psycholinguistics2010 MPhil
Tso Ricky Van Yip
The Neural Correlates and Behavioural Expertise Markers of Word Recognition Is Modulated by the Type of Learning ExperiencesEducational Psychology2013 Phd
Tso Ricky Van Yip
When the Cantonese 'b' is the English /p/: Stop-consonant Voicing Strategies across LanguagesLanguage and Bilingualism2007 MPhil
Chan Siu Wing
Self-regulation in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Its Significance in Assessment, School Adjustment, and InterventionPhD with a Specialization in Educational Psychology 2014 Phd
Ma Tin Shu Terence
Examining the Theoretical Determinates of Operational Momentum Developmental Psychology2015 MPhil
Lau Tsz Tan
Social Defeat and Psychosis Proneness: An Exploration of Underlying MechanismsPsychology2011 Phd
Cotier Francesca Alice
Psychosis Proneness in the Chinese Population: Psychometric Measurement and Psychological Risk MechanismClinical Psychology2012 Phd
Mark Winifred
Psychosis Proneness, Working Memory, and the Developing Brain: A Multi-analytic ApproachPsychosis Proneness in Adolescents2013 Phd
Andre Julia Alisha
On Raising Emotionally Competent Preschoolers in China: Contribution of Parenting Styles and Parental Emotion Regulation Strategies, and Preliminary Evaluation of an Emotion Coaching Parenting InterventionEducational and Developmental Psychology2016 Phd
Qiu Chen
Psychology2017 Others
Chan Wing Ying
HKU Committee Appointments
Start DateEnd DateCommitteeCategoryBody
2019-07-012020-12-31Emeritus Professors CommitteeVice-Presidents and Pro-Vice-Chancellors
2016-01-262019-06-30Emeritus Professors CommitteeVice-Presidents and Pro-Vice-Chancellors
2016-01-262019-06-30Budget and Resources CommitteeVice-Presidents and Pro-Vice-Chancellors
2019-07-012020-12-31Budget and Resources CommitteeVice-Presidents and Pro-Vice-Chancellors
2019-07-012020-12-31Committees Review CommitteeVice-Presidents and Pro-Vice-Chancellors
2016-01-262019-06-30Committees Review CommitteeVice-Presidents and Pro-Vice-Chancellors
2007-01-012008-12-31University Selection and Promotion Committee3 Chair Prof (excluding any who is a Dean) appointed by VC, in consultation with HRPC, for a period of 24 months, with 1 Chair Prof from among members of each of the following groups of Bds of Fac:(a) Dent/Med(b) Arch/Eng/Sci(c) Arts/B&E/Edu/Law/SocSciCouncil
2016-01-262019-06-30Academic BoardVice-Presidents and Pro-Vice-Chancellors
2019-07-012020-12-31Academic BoardVice-Presidents and Pro-Vice-Chancellors
2012-02-132014-02-12Continuing and Professional Education (CPE) and Lifelong Learning, Board for6 members from the University, appointed by the Senate for 2 years at a timeSenate
2007-01-182010-01-17Senate12 elected Professors (Group A)
2019-07-012020-12-31Faculty of Social Sciences, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2002-07-012019-06-30Faculty of Social Sciences, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2002-07-012005-06-21Appointment of Professors and Readers, Board for theThe Professors, provided that Emeritus Professors, Honorary Professors and part-time professors shall not be members under this category
2005-07-012006-05-31Human Research Ethics CommitteeChairman [appointed by Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)]Sub-committee
2006-06-012007-01-31Human Research Ethics CommitteeChairman [appointed by Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)]Sub-committee
2019-07-012020-12-31Senior Management Team and the Deans, Committee of theVice-Presidents and Pro-Vice-Chancellors
2016-01-262019-06-30Senior Management Team and the Deans, Committee of theVice-Presidents and Pro-Vice-Chancellors
2007-07-012008-06-30Disciplinary CommitteeTeacher PanelSenate
2009-07-012010-01-17Disciplinary CommitteeTeacher PanelSenate
2013-01-012014-12-31Hong Kong Jockey Club Building for Interdisciplinary Research, Committee for theThree members of the University Research Committee, nominated by the Chairman of the University Research Committee for two years at a time
2015-01-012016-03-31Hong Kong Jockey Club Building for Interdisciplinary Research, Committee for theThree members of the University Research Committee, nominated by the Chairman of the University Research Committee for two years at a time
2008-07-012010-01-17Enquiry into Possible Good Cause, Committee ofA panel of 12 members of the Senate who are teachers, appointed by the Senate for 2 years at a timeSenate
2005-07-262007-04-30Institute of Human Performance, Committee of Management of theTwo University representatives external to the Institute, appointed by the Senate for two years at a timeSenate
2013-01-012013-12-31University Research CommitteeUp to four teachers co-opted by the Committee for one year at a time
2014-01-012014-12-31University Research CommitteeUp to four teachers co-opted by the Committee for one year at a time
2015-01-012015-12-31University Research CommitteeUp to four teachers co-opted by the Committee for one year at a time
2016-01-012016-12-31University Research CommitteeUp to four teachers co-opted by the Committee for one year at a time
2017-02-102018-08-31Equal Opportunity CommitteeAdditional members co-opted by the Committee from time to time
2019-07-012020-12-31SenateVice-Presidents and Pro-Vice-Chancellors
2016-01-262019-06-30SenateVice-Presidents and Pro-Vice-Chancellors
2009-01-012010-12-31University Selection and Promotion Committee3 Chair Prof (excluding any who is a Dean) appointed by VC, in consultation with HRPC, for a period of 24 months, with 1 Chair Prof from among members of each of the following groups of Bds of Fac:(a) Dent/Med(b) Arch/Eng/Sci(c) Arts/B&E/Edu/Law/SocSci
2011-01-012011-12-31University Selection and Promotion Committee3 Chair Prof (excluding any who is a Dean) appointed by VC, in consultation with HRPC, for a period of 24 months, with 1 Chair Prof from among members of each of the following groups of Bds of Fac:(a) Dent/Med(b) Arch/Eng/Sci(c) Arts/B&E/Edu/Law/SocSci
2012-01-012012-06-30University Selection and Promotion Committee3 Chair Prof (excluding any who is a Dean) appointed by VC, in consultation with HRPC, for a period of 24 months, with 1 Chair Prof from among members of each of the following groups of Bds of Fac:(a) Dent/Med(b) Arch/Eng/Sci(c) Arts/B&E/Edu/Law/SocSci
2019-07-012020-12-31CourtVice-Presidents and Pro-Vice-Chancellors
2016-01-262019-06-30CourtVice-Presidents and Pro-Vice-Chancellors
2018-09-012020-12-31Equal Opportunity CommitteeA member of the Senior Management Team, appointed by the President and Vice-Chancellor (Chairperson)