Name Card
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Professor Zhou, Zhongjun 周中軍


Teaching List, Current
2023 S1MMPH61341ABiomedical Sciences Seminar
2023 S2MMPH61342BBiomedical Sciences Seminar
2023 S1BBMS20071AEssential Molecular Biology
2023 S1BBMS30121AStem Cell Biotechnologies in Regenerative Medicine
2023 S2MMPH60082AGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2023 S2BIOC36042AEssential techniques in biochemistry and molecular biology
2023 S2BIOC46122AMolecular biology of the gene
2023 S2SBMS72002AGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2023 S2MMPH60082CGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2023 S2MMPH61342CBiomedical Sciences Seminar
2021 S1BBMS20071AEssential Molecular Biology
2021 S1BBMS30121AStem Cell Biotechnologies in Regenerative Medicine
2021 S1MMPH61341ABiomedical Sciences Seminar
2021 S2MMPH60082AGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2021 S2MMPH61342BBiomedical Sciences Seminar
2021 S2BIOC36042AEssential techniques in biochemistry and molecular biology
2021 S2BIOC46122AMolecular biology of the gene
2021 S2SBMS72002AGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2022 S2SBMS78032AMolecular biology of the gene
2023 S1SBMS78021ABiomedical sciences seminar
2023 S2SBMS78022ABiomedical sciences seminar
2023 S2SBMS78032AMolecular biology of the gene
2018 S2MMPH60082CGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2023 S1MMPH61341CBiomedical Sciences Seminar
2019 S2MMPH61342ABiomedical Sciences Seminar
2020 S1MMPH61341CBiomedical Sciences Seminar
2019 S8BIOC4966SCBiochemistry internship
2019 S1BBMS20071AEssential Molecular Biology
2019 S1BBMS40031ADevelopmental Genetics
2019 S1BIOC4999FABiochemistry project
2019 S1MMPH61341ABiomedical Sciences Seminar
2019 S1SBMS78021ABiomedical sciences seminar
2019 S2BIOC46122AMolecular biology of the gene
2019 S2BIOC36042AEssential techniques in biochemistry and molecular biology
2019 S2BIOC4999FABiochemistry project
2021 S1SBMS78021ABiomedical sciences seminar
2019 S2MMPH60082AGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2021 S2SBMS78032AMolecular biology of the gene
2019 S2MMPH61342BBiomedical Sciences Seminar
2019 S2SBMS72002AGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2019 S2SBMS78022BBiomedical sciences seminar
2019 S2SBMS78032AMolecular biology of the gene
2020 S1BBMS20071AEssential Molecular Biology
2020 S1BBMS30121AStem Cell Biotechnologies in Regenerative Medicine
2020 S1BBMS40031ADevelopmental Genetics
2018 S1BBMS20071AEssential Molecular Biology
2018 S2MMPH61342ABiomedical Sciences Seminar
2020 S1MMPH61341ABiomedical Sciences Seminar
2018 S1MMPH61341ABiomedical Sciences Seminar
2018 S2BIOC36042AEssential techniques in biochemistry and molecular biology
2020 S1SBMS78021ABiomedical sciences seminar
2018 S1BBMS30121AStem Cell Biotechnologies in Regenerative Medicine
2020 S2BIOC36042AEssential techniques in biochemistry and molecular biology
2020 S2BIOC46122AMolecular biology of the gene
2018 S2BIOC46122AMolecular biology of the gene
2018 S2MMPH60082AGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2018 S1BBMS40031ADevelopmental Genetics
2018 S2SBMS72002AGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2018 S2BIOC4999FABiochemistry project
2018 S1BIOC4999FABiochemistry project
2018 S1BIOC49661ABiochemistry internship
2018 S1SBMS78021ABiomedical sciences seminar
2018 S1MMPH61341CBiomedical Sciences Seminar
2021 S2MMPH60082CGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2020 S2MMPH60082AGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2020 S2MMPH61342BBiomedical Sciences Seminar
2020 S2SBMS72002AGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2020 S2SBMS78022ABiomedical sciences seminar
2020 S2SBMS78032AMolecular biology of the gene
2022 S1BBMS20071AEssential Molecular Biology
2022 S1BBMS30121AStem Cell Biotechnologies in Regenerative Medicine
2022 S1MMPH61341ABiomedical Sciences Seminar
2022 S1SBMS78021ABiomedical sciences seminar
2022 S2BIOC36042AEssential techniques in biochemistry and molecular biology
2022 S2BIOC46122AMolecular biology of the gene
2022 S2MMPH60082AGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2022 S2MMPH61342BBiomedical Sciences Seminar
2022 S2SBMS72002AGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2022 S2SBMS78022ABiomedical sciences seminar
2021 S2SBMS78022ABiomedical sciences seminar
2022 S1MMPH61341CBiomedical Sciences Seminar
2024 S1BBMS20071AEssential Molecular Biology
2024 S1BBMS30121AStem Cell Biotechnologies in Regenerative Medicine
2024 S1MMPH61341ABiomedical Sciences Seminar
2024 S2BIOC36042AEssential techniques in biochemistry and molecular biology
2024 S2MMPH60082AGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2024 S2MMPH61342BBiomedical Sciences Seminar
2024 S2SBMS72002AGenes and Gene Functions in Diseases
2024 S1MMPH61341CBiomedical Sciences Seminar
Supervision of Research Postgraduate Students
StatusThesis TitleField of StudyStudent
The role of planar cell polarity in mammary gland development and tumorigenesisCell Biology and Development2020 Phd
Liu Zhiying
Microbiology2022 Phd
Li Wenjun
A positive feedback loop between PIM2 and TNF contributes to hepatocellular carcinoma tumorigenesis and progressionMolecular Biology2012 Phd
Tang Xuming
Molecular Biology2024 Phd
Li Xin
Regenerative Medicine2024 Phd
Chen Qinfei
Epigenetic2024 Phd
Gao Zhanyu
Molecular Biology2024 Phd
Wang Zhiyao
Molecular Biology2024 Phd
Zhao Xiaoyu
Novel Posttranslational Modification of UHRF1 and its Biological RelevanceEpigenetic and Aging2011 Phd
Yang Xi
Genetic Regulation of Mouse Hindbrain Neural Progenitor Development by Suppressor of Fused (Sufu) and Hedgehog SignalingDevelopmental Biology2014 Phd
Pan Wenqi
SIRT6 Activities in DNA Damage Repair and Premature AgingDevelopment and Cancer Signaling2012 Phd
Ghosh Shrestha
MT1-MMP Regulates Central Nervous System Development through Notch SignalingEpigenetic Regulation of Stem Cell Self Renewal and Differentiation2009 Phd
Zhou Jin
Epithelial morphogenesis in three-dimensional cell culture systemMolecular Biology2010 Phd
Liu Mengfei
Genetic Analysis of the Role of MMP14 during Endochondral OssificationMolecular Developmental Biology2011 MPhil
Chu Tsz Long
The Role of Uhrf1 in Development and TumorigenesisEpigenetics and Aging2010 Phd
Hu Xiaobin
Development of tunable synthetic circuits for precise control of gene expression in mammalian cellsMolecular Biology2012 Phd
Liu Lizhong
Membrane Type-1 Matrix Metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) in the Regulation of Klotho and Wnt SignalingRole of membrane-type matrix metalloproteinase I (MTI-MMP) in regulation of tumor initiating cells (TICs)2011 Phd
Zhang Shuo
Genomic Instability and Accelerated Cellular Senescence in Laminopathy-based Premature AgeingGenomic Instability and Premature Aging in Zmpste24 Deficient Mice2004 Phd
Liu Baohua
Formation of novel biological patterns by controlling cell motilityMolecular Biology2007 Phd
Liu Chenli
MT1-MMP in Craniofacial Development and FGF SignalingMolecular Genetics and Developmental Genomics2005 Phd
Chan Kui Ming June
Creation and characterization of a LRRK2 knockin mouse model to elucidate the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s diseaseThe Study of Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Neurodegeneration and Premature Aging2006 Phd
Liu Huifang
The Functional Crosstalk between MT1-MMP and ADAMs in Craniofacial and Vascular DevelopmentMT1 in Skeletal Development and Disc Degeneration2011 Phd
Wong Hoi Leong Xavier
Characterization of KAP1 Acetylation and Its Roles in DNA Damage RepairDevelopment and Cancer Signaling2013 Phd
Ieong Iok Lou
Cytosolic Delivery of Heterologous Antigens via Salmonella Type 3 Secretion System for Prophylactic Vaccine Development against Staphylococcus Aureus Infection and Mesothelioma MetastasisMolecular Biology2013 Phd
Xu Chen
Defects in Early B Lymphocyte Development in Zmpste24-/- MiceStem Cell Therapy of Premature Ageing2007 MPhil
Zhou Shuangcheng
ISM1 in Mammary Gland Morphogenesis and Malignant TransformationMolecular and Developmental Genetics2014 Phd
Long Fei
Isthmin, a novel extracellular regulator in Nodal signaling pathwayBiochemistry and Molecular Biology2006 Phd
Wu Xuewei
Bone Fracture Healing in Laminopathy-based Premature AgingBiochemistry and Molecular Biology2005 Phd
Li Jiang
Defective adult muscle satellite cells in Zmpste24 deficient miceBiochemistry; Molecular Biology2006 MPhil
Scharner Juergen
Epigenetic Regulation in Laminopathy-based Premature AgingBiochemistry and Molecular Biology2007 Phd
Zhang Le
MT1-MMP Regulates Early Lymphocyte Development through Notch SignalingBiochemistry and Molecular Biology2005 Phd
Jin Guoxiang
Islet Organoid2023 MPhil
Qiu Zeyu
Stem Cell Biology2023 Phd
Li Yang
MMP14 and Regulation of Hypertrophic Chondrocyte to Osteoblast LineageDevelopmental Genetics2014 Phd
Chu Tsz Long
Phenotype analysis of Pdss2 conditional knockout mouseMolecular Biology2006 Phd
Lu Song
The localization of Escherichidia coli persistent gene productsMolecular Biology2006 Phd
Miao Yuanying
Mechanism of Genomic Instability in Prelamin A based Premature AgeingBiochemistry and Molecular Biology2004 MPhil
Chau Pui Yin Pauline
Single Cell RNA Sequencing Analysis in Tissue Development and Regeneration2022 Phd
Cheung Yee Lo
Establishing an optimized platform for human pluripotent stem cell differentiation into islet organoidAging2018 Phd
He Yi
Single Cell RNA Sequencing Analysis in Tissue Development and Regeneration2022 Phd
Ma Jingchun
Bacterial and neoantigen strategies for developing cancer vaccinesMolecular Biology / Neuroscience2018 Phd
Gong Huarui
The Roles of α-Parvin in Long Bone DevelopmentStem Cells and Development2018 Others
Yuan Jifan
Epigenetics and cancer biology2021 Phd
Lu Ruixun
Structural and Functional Study of Human SIRT2 and SIRT1Structural Biology2014 Phd
Chen Lanfang
MOF mediated acetylation attenuates SIRT6 tumor suppressive activity in non-small cell lung cancerDevelopment and Cancer Signaling2015 Phd
Zhao Kaiqiang
Identification of novel regulators of senescence: EID1 and small chemicalsDevelopment and Cancer Signaling2015 Phd
Wong Sheung Kin Ken
Structural and mechanistic insights into UHRF1-coordinated maintenance DNA methylation by DNMT1Structural Biology of DNA Damage Response2015 MPhil
Li Tao
The Role of Isthmin-1 in Metanephric Mesenchyme Condensation and Ureteric Bud Branching MorphogenesisAging2018 MPhil
Tang Ying Lam
Regulation of Circadian rhythms by Sirtuin 6Mechanism of Aging2013 MPhil
Feng Yukun
UHRF1 Ubiquitin E3 Ligase Activity in DNA Methylation and Skin Stem Cell HomeostasisBiochemistry and Molecular Biology2016 Phd
Wang Linsheng
Chromatin dysfunction in stem cells facilitates aging in laminopathy-based progeriaDevelopment and Aging2016 Phd
Jin Wei
Stem cell and regeneration2021 Phd
Chen Ning
The Role of Uhrf1 Ring Domain in B Cell Differentiation and ApoptosisDevelopment and cancer signaling2016 MPhil
Zhang Weiyi
The Critical Roles for MT1-MMP in Hydrocephalus and Isthmin1 in Kidney Branching MorphogenesisMatrix metalloproteinase in Development and Disease2014 Phd
Jiang Zhixin
Development of Microneedle-based vaccine delivery systems and mRNA-based vaccinesMolecular Biology2018 Phd
Kuwentrai Chaiyaporn
Salmonella Blocks cancer metastasis through IFN-ƴ-dependent NK cell activationMolecular Biology2017 Phd
Rong Li
Isthmin-1 is Required for Branching Morphogenesis during Early Kidney DevelopmentStem Cell Aging2017 Phd
Gao Ge
Molecular Signaling2020 Phd
Zaman Hazrat
Bioinformatics / Drug discovery2021 Phd
Li Jing
Utilizing Synthetic Biology Strategies for the Development of Attenuated Vaccines Targeting Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosaMolecular Biology2020 Phd
Lin Xuansheng
Functional characterization of secreted protein Isthmin-1 in hematopoietic systemMolecular Signaling2020 Phd
Hosen Md Shakhawat
Investigation of the therapeutic values of Flavopiridol in Alzheimer’s diseaseAlzheimer's disease2020 Phd
Chen Zheyi
A general and modular DARPin-apoferritin scaffold enables the visualization of small proteins by cryo-EMStructural Biology2019 Others
Yan Ming
Single cell RNA sequencing analysis in tissue development and regeneration2021 Phd
Huang Shengshuo
Molecular Biology2024 Phd
Xu Anqi
Molecular Biology2024 Phd
He Yige
Molecular Biology2023 Phd
Dou Ying
HKU Committee Appointments
Start DateEnd DateCommitteeCategoryBody
2011-12-162012-12-01Faculty of Dentistry, Board of theSuch other teachers as may be appointed to the Board by the SenateSenate
2012-12-022015-12-01Faculty of Dentistry, Board of theSuch other teachers as may be appointed to the Board by the SenateSenate
2016-02-232019-02-22Faculty of Dentistry, Board of theSuch other teachers as may be appointed to the Board by the SenateSenate
2019-02-232022-02-22Faculty of Dentistry, Board of theSuch other teachers as may be appointed to the Board by the SenateSenate
2022-03-01Faculty of Dentistry, Board of theSuch other teachers as may be appointed to the Board by the SenateSenate
2005-12-022008-12-01Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2008-12-022011-12-01Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2011-12-022012-11-30Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2012-12-01Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University