Name Card
rp00497 picture

Professor Ho, Rainbow Tin Hung 何天虹

Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration
Director, Centre on Behavioral Health within the Faculty of Social Sciences
Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention Fellow
Sau Po Centre on Ageing Fellow

Teaching List, Current
2023 S1EXAT70011ATheory and principles of expressive arts therapy
2023 S2CCHU90442ACreative Arts as a Way of Knowing
2023 S2EXAT70052AWorking with groups in expressive arts therapy
2023 S2EXAT70062AProfessional practice and ethics in expressive arts therapy
2023 S2SOWK31062AUse of creative arts in social work practice
2021 S1EXAT70011ATheory and principles of expressive arts therapy
2021 S1EXAT70051AWorking with groups in expressive arts therapy
2021 S1EXAT7022FADissertation
2021 S8EXAT7100SASpecial topics in expressive arts therapy
2021 S2CCHU90442ACreative Arts as a Way of Knowing
2021 S2EXAT70052AWorking with groups in expressive arts therapy
2021 S2EXAT7022FADissertation
2021 S2SOWK31062AUse of creative arts in social work practice
2021 S2EXAT70062AProfessional practice and ethics in expressive arts therapy
2022 S1CCHU90781AXContemplative Practices: From Personal Awareness to Social Well-being
2022 S1CCHU90781AContemplative Practices: From Personal Awareness to Social Well-being
2023 S1EXAT7020FAExpressive arts therapy practicum and supervision
2023 S2EXAT70202AExpressive arts therapy practicum and supervision
2023 S2EXAT7020FAExpressive arts therapy practicum and supervision
2018 S8EXAT7020SAExpressive arts therapy practicum and supervision
2018 S8EXAT7006SAProfessional practice and ethics in expressive arts therapy
2018 S8EXAT7100SASpecial topics in expressive arts therapy
2019 S8EXAT7006SAProfessional practice and ethics in expressive arts therapy
2019 S8EXAT7020SAExpressive arts therapy practicum and supervision
2019 S8EXAT7100SASpecial topics in expressive arts therapy
2023 S8EXAT7020SAExpressive arts therapy practicum and supervision
2019 S1CCHU90781AXContemplative Practices: From Personal Awareness to Social Well-being
2019 S1CCHU90781AContemplative Practices: From Personal Awareness to Social Well-being
2023 S1EXAT7022FADissertation
2019 S1EXAT70011ATheory and principles of expressive arts therapy
2019 S1EXAT7022FADissertation
2019 S1EXAT70051AGroup creative process and expression
2019 S1EXAT7020FAExpressive arts therapy practicum and supervision
2023 S2EXAT7022FADissertation
2019 S2CCHU90442ACreative Arts as a Way of Knowing
2019 S2EXAT70032ACommunity applications of creative process
2019 S2EXAT7020FAExpressive arts therapy practicum and supervision
2019 S2EXAT70202AExpressive arts therapy practicum and supervision
2019 S2EXAT7022FADissertation
2022 S8EXAT7020SAExpressive arts therapy practicum and supervision
2022 S8EXAT7100SASpecial topics in expressive arts therapy
2020 S1EXAT70011ATheory and principles of expressive arts therapy
2020 S1EXAT70051AGroup creative process and expression
2020 S1EXAT7022FADissertation
2018 S1CCHU90441ACreative Arts as a Way of Knowing
2018 S2EXAT70032ACommunity applications of creative process
2018 S2EXAT70202AExpressive arts therapy practicum and supervision
2018 S1CCHU90441AXCreative Arts as a Way of Knowing
2018 S1EXAT70051AGroup creative process and expression
2018 S1EXAT7020FAExpressive arts therapy practicum and supervision
2018 S2EXAT7020FAExpressive arts therapy practicum and supervision
2018 S1EXAT70011ATheory and principles of expressive arts therapy
2020 S2CCHU90442ACreative Arts as a Way of Knowing
2020 S1CCHU90781AContemplative Practices: From Personal Awareness to Social Well-being
2021 S1CCHU90781AContemplative Practices: From Personal Awareness to Social Well-being
2021 S1CCHU90781AXContemplative Practices: From Personal Awareness to Social Well-being
2020 S2EXAT70202AExpressive arts therapy practicum and supervision
2020 S2EXAT7022FADissertation
2019 S8EXAT7104SAFundamentals of dance and movement therapy
2020 S8EXAT7006SAProfessional practice and ethics in expressive arts therapy
2021 S8EXAT7020SAExpressive arts therapy practicum and supervision
2021 S8EXAT7104SAFundamentals of dance and movement therapy
2022 S1EXAT7020FAExpressive arts therapy practicum and supervision
2022 S2EXAT7020FAExpressive arts therapy practicum and supervision
2022 S1EXAT70011ATheory and principles of expressive arts therapy
2022 S1EXAT7022FADissertation
2020 S8EXAT7020SAExpressive arts therapy practicum and supervision
2022 S2CCHU90442ACreative Arts as a Way of Knowing
2022 S2EXAT70052AWorking with groups in expressive arts therapy
2022 S2EXAT70202AExpressive arts therapy practicum and supervision
2022 S2EXAT7022FADissertation
2018 S2EXAT7022FADissertation
2018 S1EXAT7022FADissertation
2022 S2SOWK31062AUse of creative arts in social work practice
2022 S2EXAT70062AProfessional practice and ethics in expressive arts therapy
2024 S1EXAT70011ATheory and principles of expressive arts therapy
2024 S1EXAT70061AProfessional practice and ethics in expressive arts therapy
2024 S1EXAT7020FAExpressive arts therapy practicum and supervision
2024 S1EXAT7022FADissertation
2024 S2CCHU90442ACreative Arts as a Way of Knowing
2024 S2EXAT70052AWorking with groups in expressive arts therapy
2024 S2EXAT70202AExpressive arts therapy practicum and supervision
2024 S2EXAT7020FAExpressive arts therapy practicum and supervision
2024 S2EXAT7022FADissertation
2024 S2SOWK31062AUse of creative arts in social work practice
Supervision of Research Postgraduate Students
StatusThesis TitleField of StudyStudent
Self-compassion and Bio-psychosocial Well-being: The Application of Mindful Self-compassion Training on Cancer Survivors in Hong KongPsycho-oncology2012 Phd
Wan Ho Yin Adrian
On becoming a mindful practitioner: A mixed methods study of students’ perceptions and their psychological changes through the mindfulness training in a medical humanities curriculumBody-mind-spirit Intervention 2010 Phd
Wong Pui Yan
Youth Health and Mental Health2024 Phd
Li Haorui
Therapeutic Effects of Clay Art Therapy For Patients with DepressionMental Health (Art Therapy and Depression)2011 Phd
Nan Kin Man
Intersecting Self-stigma of Young Chinese Men Who Have Sex with Men Living with HIV/AIDSSocial Work 2018 Phd
Liang Zurong
Wang Clarissa Nicole
Dancing In and Out - An Ethnographic Study of Flow in Professional Ballet DancersMental health, Flow, Embodiment, Artists' well-being, Ethnographic study2018 Phd
Fung Hiu Ying
The Psychosocial and Physiological Effects of Qigong Exercise in Integrative Medicine: A Study of Chinese Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome-like IllnessBehavioral Health, Complementary and Integrative Medicine2010 Phd
Chan Suet Mui
Understanding Holistic Survivorship of Women’s Breast Cancer Experiences During the Transition Period Using Movement-based Focus Groups Dance Movement Therapy2011 MPhil
Leung Siu Ling Angela
The bereavement experience of Chinese widowers in Hong Kong after conjugal lossHope Among Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer2005 MPhil
Woo Mun Hong Ivan
A Body-Mind-Spirit Approach to Depression and Anxiety: Application of Mindfulness and Compassion Training for Hong Kong ChineseMindfulness Training as a Unified Treatment Strategy in Working with People with Anxiety and Depressive Problems2008 Phd
Lo Hay Ming
Health and Mental Health2022 Phd
Li Xindi
Relations between developmental trajectories of burnout and holistic care climate among human service: A latent growth modeling approachThe Impact of Meaning of Work Over The Relationship of Type A Behavior and Job Burnout2008 MPhil
Fong Chun Tat
Guided relational viewing: Art therapy for empathy and social change to increase understanding of people living with mental illnessRole of Art Therapy and Art Making in Promoting Social Action2007 Phd
Potash Jordan Seth
Measuring and Evaluating Mindfulness Based on Its OriginMindfulness2012 Phd
Chow King Wo
Expressive Arts Therapy2022 Phd
Zhao Wanru
Youth Sexuality, Population Health, Social Policy Analysis2023 Phd
Bai Yiming
The Effectiveness of Music Therapy Group in Elders with DepressionThe effect of music therapy on geriatric depression 2011 MPhil
Tang Kwong Yue Alan
Inhabited Studio: Art Therapy and Mindfulness with Survivors of Political ViolenceArt Therapy Research2011 Phd
Kalmanowitz Debra Lee
Unfolding Selfhood of the Elderly with Dementia through Play – A Community-based Participatory Action Research (CBPAR) ProjectGerontology2015 Phd
Li Bingyu
Family-centred Dance Movement Psychotherapy with Children with Autism: A Qualitative, Arts-based StudyHealth and Mental Health2019 Phd
Moo Tein Ni Janet
Getting Inside Outsider Art: An Integrated Framework for Analysis of Artworks Created by Individuals With Autism and Schizophrenia Spectrum DisorderArt in People with Mental Illness and Intellectual Disabilities2019 Phd
Gonzalez Barajas Ana Karen
Assessing Suicide-related Behaviors and Psychological Strains in the Chinese Context with Self-report InstrumentsPsychometric Evaluation of Assessment Instruments for Suicide Research and Prevention2016 Phd
Huen Mei Yiu Jenny
An exploration of meaning and role of spirituality in rehabilitation among people with schizophreniaSpirituality in Schizophrenia Rehabilitation2013 Phd
Chan Kar Pui Caitlin
Application of Mediation Modeling Techniques in Social Science ResearchApplied Quantitative Methods in Social Issues2016 Phd
Fong Chun Tat
The Impacts of Boarding on Coping With School Bullying in ChinaFamilies and Children2017 Phd
Xing Jianli
Dynamic Changes in Mother-child Relationship in the Context of Intimate Partner ViolenceDomestic Violence2017 Phd
Wong Chun Miao
Co-develop Physical Activity Intervention with Community-dwelling Older Adults: A Community-based Participatory Research ApproachCommunity-based Participatory Research2017 Phd
Lee Lok Chun Janet
Musical Intergroup Contact – Promoting Intergroup Knowledge and Empathy Between the Students from Direct Subsidy Schemed (DSS) Secondary Schools and Public Primary Schools2021 Phd
Li Huiyun
Where Is My Body? Re-establishing First-person Body Perception Among Young and Pre-elderly Stroke Survivors Through Expressive Arts-Based InterventionMusic and Dance Movement Therapy2018 Phd
Lo Temmy Lee Ting
Music Therapy for Hong Kong Lesbian Women: In Coping With Minority StressExpressive Art and Dance-movement Therapies2022 Phd
Yeung Wai Tung
HKU Committee Appointments
Start DateEnd DateCommitteeCategoryBody
2006-10-042009-10-03Faculty of Social Sciences, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2013-01-012016-06-30Faculty of Social Sciences, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2016-07-01Faculty of Social Sciences, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2009-10-042012-10-03Faculty of Social Sciences, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2012-10-042012-12-31Faculty of Social Sciences, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2021-07-212024-07-20Joint Consultative Committee of HKU-SPACE and FacultiesThe Faculty Associate Deans whose responsibilities include lifelong learning, nominated by Faculty Deans.
2018-07-01Board of Graduate StudiesChairman of each Faculty Higher Degrees Committee
2018-07-01Board for Professional DoctoratesChairpersons of Faculty Higher Degrees Committees of Faculties offering PDD curricula