Name Card
rp00420 picture

Professor Chan, Michael Chi Wai 陳志偉

Associate Professor

Teaching List, Current
2023 S1BBMS30011AMedical Microbiology
2023 S1BMSC11011ALife Science I
2023 S1BMSC31041ALife Science IV
2023 S1BMSN16011AFoundation of Life Sciences
2023 S1BMSN26031ALife Sciences I
2022 S2CMED61052AInfectious Diseases in Public Health
2022 S2MMPH62072AInfectious Diseases in Public Health
2020 S1BMSC31041ALife Science IV
2021 S1BBMS30011AMedical Microbiology
2023 S2CMED61052AInfectious Diseases in Public Health
2023 S2MMPH62072AInfectious Diseases in Public Health
2023 S2MMPH62072CInfectious Diseases in Public Health
2019 S1BBMS30011AMedical Microbiology
2019 S1BMSC31041ALife Science IV
2019 S1BMSN21011ALife Science I
2022 S1BMSC11011ALife Science I
2022 S1BMSC31041ALife Science IV
2022 S1BMSN26031ALife Sciences I
2020 S1BBMS30011AMedical Microbiology
2018 S1BMSC31041ALife Science IV
2018 S1BBMS30011AMedical Microbiology
2018 S1BMSN21011ALife Science I
2018 S1BBMS30101AEmerging Infections
2021 S1BMSC31041ALife Science IV
2021 S1BMSN26031ALife Sciences I
2020 S2BCHM56092AMedicine
2021 S2BCHM56092AMedicine
2022 S1BBMS30011AMedical Microbiology
2021 S1BMSN16011AFoundation of Life Sciences
2020 S1BMSN16011AFoundation of Life Sciences
2020 S1BMSN26031ALife Sciences I
2022 S1BMSN16011AFoundation of Life Sciences
2024 S1BBMS30011AMedical Microbiology
2024 S2CMED61052AInfectious Diseases in Public Health
Supervision of Research Postgraduate Students
StatusThesis TitleField of StudyStudent
Investigation on the host factors that are associated with the immunogenicity of influenza vaccineB Cell Immunity of Influenza Vaccine in Elderly2019 MPhil
Lin Yihan
Virology2024 MPhil
Li Jiaying
Molecular dissection of Dengue Virus egress: involvement of host cellular factors-KDEL receptorsStudy on Recombinant Subviral Particles of Dengue Virus-12010 Phd
Li Mingyuan
Role of Alveolar Progenitor Cells in Lung Regeneration upon Infection of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A/H5N1 VirusInfluenza Research2014 Phd
Cheung Man Chun
Comparison of influenza A virus induced apoptosis in human respiratory epithelial cells: an in vitro and ex vivo studyInfluenza Research2009 MPhil
Yuen Kit Man
Monitoring the Co-evolution of Hemagglutinin and Neuraminidase in Zoonotic Influenza Viruses using Phylogenetic-based MethodsInfluenza Virology2022 MPhil
Nizami Sarea Islam Nuha
Influenza Virus and Infectious Diseases2023 MPhil
Chan Sze Tan
Influenza H5N1 and H1N1 virus infection and innate immune responses in human alveolar type I, type II epithelial cells and macrophagesMicrobiology2008 MPhil
Yu Ching Lam
Influenza A/H7N9 virus infection of human and swine respiratory epithelium: Tissue tropism and pathogenesisInfluenza2013 Phd
Chan Lok Yung
COVID-192021 Phd
Krishnan Sundaramoothy Pavithra
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) Infection in Human Respiratory Tract: Tropism, Pathogenesis and Therapeutic InterventionVirology2014 Phd
Li Hung Sing
Tropism and Pathogenesis of Influenza B Virus in Human and Swine Respiratory TractsInfluenza Viruses2014 Phd
Bui Huyen Trang
Therapeutic Implications of Human Umbilical Cord Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in Acute Lung Injury Associated with Influenza A/H5N1 InfectionInfluenza Viruses2013 Phd
Loy Hayley
Mechanism of Lung Injury Caused by Influenza A/H5N1 and the Therapeutic Effect of Mesenchymal Stromal CellInfectious disease2016 Phd
Kuok Iok Teng
Viral Sequence Features of Influenza A Viruses and CoronavirusesInfectious Diseases2018 Phd
Gu Haogao
The therapeutic role of tyrosine kinases in highly pathogenic influenza A/H5N1 virus infectionVirology2018 Phd
Ng Man Ting
Development of multiplex droplet digital RT-PCR assays for the detection of influenza and other common respiratory virus infectionsMolecular Diagnostics2017 Phd
Leong Keng Chon
Vaccine Induced Selection Pressure on Seasonal Influenza Virus in MiceInfluenza Biology2019 Phd
Chu Tung Sem
Cardiovascular pathophysiology upon SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 vaccinationInfectious Diseases2021 MPhil
Kam Tong
Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Receptor and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus InfectionVirology2021 Phd
Lai Ka Ling
HKU Committee Appointments
Start DateEnd DateCommitteeCategoryBody
2024-01-01Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2018-08-012023-12-31Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2015-08-012018-07-31Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2012-08-012015-07-31Faculty of Medicine, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University