Name Card

Dr Zhang, Jinxia 張錦霞

Scientific Officer

Supervision of Research Postgraduate Students
StatusThesis TitleField of StudyStudent
Impaired Mouse Beta-defensin 4 (mBD4) Response to pH1N1 Infection Associated with High Pulmonary Viral Replication in Immunocompromised MiceInfectious Diseases2012 Phd
Zhu Houshun
The role of Toll-like Receptor 7 agonist Imiquimod in enhancing influenza vaccine immunogenecityInfluenza Pathogenesis, Its Molecular Evolution and Vaccination2013 Phd
Li Can
The role of surfactant protein B in influenza virus infectionVirology2012 MPhil
Chan Shing Fung
The role of phosphodiesterase 3A in influenza virus infectionVirology2014 MPhil
Lui Yin Ming
Investigation of Multiple FDA–approved Drugs against Influenza Infection, Including an Unusual A/H3N2 Strain with Reduced Susceptibility to Neuraminidase InhibitorsInfectious Diseases2015 Phd
Zhang Ruiqi
Effects of Avian Influenza A (H7N9) Virus Infection of Monocytes on Host Innate and Adaptive Immune ResponsesVirology2014 Phd
Lee Chak Yiu