Name Card
rp00364 picture

Professor Nicholls, John Malcolm 黎國思

Clinical Professor

Principal Investigator
StatusProject CodeProject TitleAmountFunding Year
HKU 773507MTissue tropism and cytokine production within the upper and lower respiratory tract of humans following influenza virus infection6676732007
N/AExpression of collagen during early fetal development150001989
04050132Occult respiratory viral infections in coronial autopsies - a pilot project1580282005
N/AA comparison of molecular changes in nasopharyngeal carciomas from Hong Kong and Northern Africa280002000
03040872Sialic acid and receptor expression in normal respiratory tract, H5N1 influenza and non-avian influenza cases2495642004
F_HKA03/99A comparison of molecular changes in nasopharyngeal carciomas from Hong Kong and Northern Africa280001999
HKU 774109MInfluenza and sialic acid linked glycan interactions using virus like pseudoparticles (VLP) and STD-NMR12000002009
HKU 7311/97MThe relationship between cell cycle regulators and Epstein-Barr virus in nasopharyngeal carcinoma5356801997
JRS02/97Analysis of the humoral immune response to the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-encoded dUTPase and immunohistochemical detection of the enzyme in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)200001996
G_HK 007/01Detection of the deleted form of Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) latent membrane portein 1 (LMP1) in formalin fixed biopsy samples280002001
N/AAnalysis of the humoral immune response to the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-encoded dUTPase and immunohistochemical detection of the enzyme in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)100001998
08070842Susceptibility of the upper respiratory tract to influenza virus infection following desialyation7455682007
10090202Prevention and treatment of swine origin influenza virus (S-OIV) though the use of interferon - an in vivo and ex vivo study5563922009
N/AInvestigations into influenza receptor binding and novel therapies in an ex-vivo setting7804752009
13120762Molecular determinants of H9N2 virus haemagglutinin and neuraminidase affecting virus tropism for the human and swine respiratory tract7545682013
14131052Modulation of MERS-CoV infection of the human ex vivo respiratory tract by the use of interferon, cyclophilin inhibitors and blocking antibody therapy8916702014
14130572The viral genetic determinants of influenza H5N1 virus in causing acute lung injury - an in vitro study9996202014
18170922Evaluation of disease severity of seasonal influenza viruses using human respiratory tract explant cultures, lung injury models, and correlation with glycosylation status11895202018
StatusProject CodeProject TitleAmountFunding Year
T11-705/14-NViral, Host and Environmental Determinants of Influenza Virus Transmission and Pathogenesis580000002014
10091132The biological and genetic determinants of seasonal influenza A virus replication in the lower respiratory tract9364362010
HKU 761208MTissue tropism and innate immune responses of respiratory viruses in primary differentiated human respiratory epithelial cells in vitro and in ex-vivo cultures of lung and nasopharynx4156822008
C7018-14EMicro-PET for pre-clinical molecular imaging research in Hong Kong80014862014
AoE/M-06/08Centre for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Research800000002009
C7005-20GDevelopment of DNA-encoded glycan constructs as multivalent influenza hemagglutinin inhibitors towards novel anti-influenza therapy49000002020
HKU 1/05CPathogenesis, cell signaling and virus evolution of avian influenza A (H5N1)46000002005
12110992The application of swine and human respiratory organ explant cultures to investigate inter-species transmission of avian influenza viruses to swine and humans9992162012
HKU 7325/97MTelomerase activation in nasopharyngeal carcinomas6868801997
18171262Investigation of the reassortment between canine H3N2 influenza virus and human/avian influenza A viruses in canine and human respiratory tract explant cultures14917802018
01030172The role of influenza virus gene constellation and viral morphology on cytokine induction, pathogenesis and viral virulence8241642003
HKU 773707MEffector roles of cytokine cascades in the pathogenesis of human H5N1 disease13972262007
17117122Comparing host responses of SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 infections 11787842022
10091162Experimental models to study the impact of cigarette smoking on the tropism of the highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus in human respiratory tract9098622010
HKU 7357/02MNeovascularization of ischemic myocardium by autologous bone marrow cells transplantation8160002002
HKU 761210MEffect of allogeneic human mesenchymal stem cells on alveolar fluid clearance and protein permeability in human alveolar epithelial cells injured by influenza H5N1 virus infection15000002010
18170792Tropism and pathogenesis of the highly pathogenic avian influenza A/H7N9 virus in human respiratory tract and potential therapeutic effect of interferon and cyclophilin inhibitors12995202018
13121132Tropism of the novel human betacoronavirus lineage C virus in human ex vivo and in vitro cultures, as an assessment of its potential transmissibility and pathogenesis in humans9998602013
17107718The role of PDGFR in influenza A virus infection and the therapeutic potential of its inhibitor in severe human influenza diseases8683912018
HKU 761813MRole of distal airway stem cells in lung regeneration following highly pathogenic influenza H5N1 induced acute lung injury13856522013
HKU 776110MThe role of Toll-like receptor 10 (TLR10) as an innate immune sensor for respiratory viral infections6069822010
13120532Host responses that correlate with respiratory droplet transmission of swine-origin influenza viruses in ferrets9704962013
16150632Potential therapeutic effects of farnesyltransferase inhibitor in severe human influenza disease7378472016
15141022Interactions between lung microvascular endothelial cells and alveolar epithelial cells in severe influenza virus infection associated acute lung injury10597962015
HKU 7478/03MDownregulation of MAD2 expression and its significance in chemodrug sensitization in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells10410002003
18170882The role of PDGFR and the therapeutic potential of its inhibitor in MERS-CoV infection14992202018
11101002Neutrophil mediated host-responses during influenza A virus infection, an in vitro study8759482011
N/ANasopharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC)1800002006
14130762Role of focal adhesion kinase in influenza virus infection and potential therapeutic effects of its inhibitor in severe human influenza disease9994522014
17121016Mechanisms of lung injury caused by Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and SARS-CoV and potential therapeutic effects of mesenchymal stem cells14766892016
11220066The Development of Deep Learning Based CHAMP Microscopy For Lung Cancer Imaging14924802022