Name Card
rp00335 picture

Professor Irene Ng 吳呂愛蓮

Professor, Chair of Pathology
Director, State Key Laboratory of Liver Research (HKU)

Knowledge Exchange Activities
Activity TitleActivity TypeStart DateEnd DateMember(s)
Greater Bay Area Symposium – Frontier in Research and Treatment of Liver disease and CancersPublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2023-06-172023-06-17
Hong Kong Pathology Forum 2016Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2016-01-082016-01-09
Who Cares if We Live? Ethics at the beginning and end of lifePublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2017-06-022017-06-02
Brownnutt Michael John
Symposium 2022 of State Key Laboratory of Liver Research (HKU)Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2022-10-292022-10-29
Cancer Sciences Researchers’ Meeting (HKUMed and MVLS of University of Glasgow)Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2023-04-262023-04-26
10th Hong Kong Pathology ForumPublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2022-01-032022-02-19
Elaine Au
9th Hong Kong Pathology ForumPublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2021-01-042021-01-04
The Hong Kong Pathology Forum 2022Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2022-02-192022-02-19
Hong Kong Pathology Forum 2021Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2021-01-302021-01-30
Member of Research Grants CouncilOther KE Activity Types2020-01-012023-06-30
東方日報: 肝病實驗室 研針對癌症特有幹細胞治療Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-07-022018-07-02
香港仔: 瑪麗「惜別間」寧靜中懷念逝者Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-09-262018-09-26
明報: 肝病實驗室誓趕絕乙肝病毒Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-07-022018-07-02
星島日報: 瑪麗擴「惜別間」應付十年需求Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-09-262018-09-26
am730: 殮房改名惜別間 增人性化設計 瑪麗冀為遺屬 帶來關懷Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-09-262018-09-26
大公報 - 教授鼓舞:促進兩地產業化互補 資金獲批「過河」港大科研「喜飛」Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-07-022018-07-02
至 Fit 男女Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-04-112018-05-12
Chu, Ferdinand
大公報: 瑪麗醫院當助理運遺體送暖意 碩士守殮房撫慰家屬心Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-09-262018-09-26
文匯報: 瑪麗無殮房 變身「惜別間」 開揚環境不再陰森恐怖 易安撫家屬不安情緒Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-09-262018-09-26
文匯報: 擒癌研先擒「王」 「點相」助製標靶藥Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-07-022018-07-02
Interview (RTHK) - 上年度病理科醫生流失率最高 病人組織憂延誤治療Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-09-202017-09-20
Interview - Oriental Daily - 公院醫生跳槽 病理科重災Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-06-042017-06-04
Press Conference-Wen Wei Po-港大揭抗氧化物助長癌細胞Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2016-02-192016-02-19
Press Conference-Ta Kung Pao-港大研究指勿亂服抗氧化物 過量維他命C加速癌生長Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2016-02-192016-02-19
Press Conference-am730-籲患者避服高劑量補充劑 抗氧化刺激癌細胞生長Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2016-02-192016-02-19
Press Conference-Headline Daily-亂服維他命或助長癌細胞Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2016-02-192016-02-19
Press Conference-Sing Tao Daily-過度進「補」適得其反Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2016-02-192016-02-19
Press Conference-Hong Kong Economic Times-服維他命C 恐刺激癌細胞生長Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2016-02-192016-02-19
Press Conference-The Sun-醫知健:癌病忌長服維他命Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2016-02-192016-02-19
Press Conference-RTHK English-Cancer patients warned to stay off vitamin pillsBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2016-02-182016-02-18
Press Conference-The Standard-Pills alert for cancer sufferersBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2016-02-192016-02-19
Interview-South China Morning Post-Antioxidants fuel cancer, study findsBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2016-02-192016-02-19
Press Conference-RTHK-港大醫學院建議肝癌患者避服高劑量抗氧化物補充劑Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2016-02-182016-02-18
Hong Kong Pathology Forum 2017Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2017-02-102017-02-11
Press Conference-Sky Post-高劑量維他命C 助長肝癌Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2016-02-192016-02-19
Press Conference-Hong Kong Commercial Daily-港大指維他命丸 或刺激癌生長Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2016-02-192016-02-19
Press Conference-Apple Daily-癌患者忌服過量抗氧化物 人參、維他命助長癌細胞Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2016-02-192016-02-19
Press Conference-Ming Pao Daily News-港大證抗氧化物助長肝癌細胞 患者不宜吃高劑量維他命 毋須戒蔬果奶類Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2016-02-192016-02-19
Press Conference-China Daily Hong Kong Edition-Supplements may exacerbate cancer, say HKU researchersBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2016-02-192016-02-19
Committee on Innovation, Technology and Re-industrialisation, HKSAROther KE Activity Types2017-01-012022-12-31
Press Conference-Metro Daily-港大研究打破神話 抗氧化或助長癌症Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2016-02-192016-02-19
SKLLR Symposium 2016Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2016-10-082016-10-08
Press Conference-Hong Kong Investment Times-港大研究:維他命丸或刺激癌細胞生長Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2016-02-192016-02-19
Press Conference-Sing Tao Daily-抗氧化物補充劑 患癌不宜服過量 港大發現 激生癌細胞Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2016-02-192016-02-19
Press Conference-Oriental Daily News-長攝維他命防癌或反效果Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2016-02-192016-02-19
Press Conference-商業電台-港大研究指抗氧化物會刺激肝癌細胞生長Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2016-02-182016-02-18
Interview (ViuTV) - HK science developmentBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-05-272018-05-27
Hong Kong Pathology Forum 2018Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2018-02-032018-02-03
Interview (The Standard) -Research team gains edge in fighting cancerBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-10-312017-10-31
Chiu Kung Chun
Interview (Metro Daily)- 港大研基因抑製劑增強免疫治肝癌Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-10-312017-10-31
Chiu Kung Chun
Interview (Sing Tao Daily)- 肝癌新療法須配合抑制劑Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-10-312017-10-31
Chiu Kung Chun
Interview (Wen Wei Po) - 港大研新招升免疫療法效果Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-10-312017-10-31
Chiu Kung Chun
Interview (HK01) - 港大破解肝癌不斷生長之謎 患癌小鼠用新藥7 日 癌細胞全殲滅Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-10-312017-10-31
Chiu Kung Chun
Interview (Sing Pao) on “HKU research on liver cancer immunology” Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-11-012017-11-01
Chiu Kung Chun
Interview (RTHK)- 港大發現將癌細胞內蛋白酶消除 將有助對抗癌細胞Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-10-312017-10-31
Chiu Kung Chun
Interview (Commercial Radio Hong Kong)-港大發現抑制劑可增強免疫療法治肝癌Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-10-312017-10-31
Chiu Kung Chun
Interview (Metroradio)-港大發現控制蛋白酶有助免疫治療肝癌成效Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-10-312017-10-31
Chiu Kung Chun
Interview (Ming Pao Daily News) - 港大研新法治肝癌 老鼠實驗成效顯著Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-10-312017-10-31
Chiu Kung Chun
Interview (am730) - 港大研蛋白抑壓劑 阻肝癌生長增存活Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-10-312017-10-31
Chiu Kung Chun
Interview (Oriental Daily News)-酶抑制劑治肝癌增療效Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-10-312017-10-31
Chiu Kung Chun
Interview (Apple Daily) - 港大發現抑制劑助治肝癌Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-10-312017-10-31
Chiu Kung Chun
Interview (Hong Kong Commercial Daily) - 抑制劑加免疫治療或成肝癌剋星Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-10-312017-10-31
Chiu Kung Chun
Invited Lectures & Keynote Speeches
Stratification of hepatocellular carcinoma towards precision medicineCCR Liver Cancer Program (Virtual) Seminar Series, National Cancer Institute (NCI) (18/10/2023-19/10/2023)2023-10-18
Single Cell Transcriptomics of Hepatocellular Carcinoma2023-08-27
Molecular Heterogeneity in HCC and the Challenge of Identifying Predictive BiomarkersAsia-Pacific Primary Liver Cancer Expert (APPLE) 2023 (06/07/2023-08/07/2023, Seoul)2023-07-06
Stratification of HCC: Cellular, molecular and blood-based biomarkerAsia-Pacific Primary Liver Cancer Expert (APPLE) 2023 (06/07/2023-08/07/2023, Seoul)2023-07-06
The evolution of hepatocellular carcinoma at single cell levelThe 32nd Conference of the Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL 2023) (15/02/2023-19/02/2023, Taipei, Taiwan)2023-02-15
HCC and HBV GenomicsInternational Symposium on Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease: Global Hepatitis Summit 2020, Taipei, Taiwan2021-06-01
Liver Cancer StemnessKeystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology: Cancer Stem Cells: Advances in Biology and Clinical Translation (as the Scientific Organizer)2021-05-01
Molecular biomarkers in hepatocellular carcinomaKeystone Symposia on Hepatobiliary Cancers: Pathobiology and Translational Advances, Vancouver2021-03-01
Understanding the complexity and heterogeneity of HCC and its challengesHong Kong Pathology Forum2021-01-01
HCC genomicsHepatocellular Carcinoma Tumor Immune Microenvironment, APPLE’s Single Topic Conference, organized by Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center2020-12-01
Liver Cancer – Molecular pathology and beyond – HCC heterogeneity and challenges30th Anniversary Scientific Meeting, Hong Kong International Academy of Pathology2020-10-01
Latest updates on the classification of primary liver cancer30th Anniversary Scientific Meeting, Hong Kong International Academy of Pathology2020-10-01
Liver cancer stemness and heterogeneity - molecular and pathological implications2020-06-01
Understanding the complexity and heterogeneity of HCC (morphology, molecular and genomic) and its challengesHong Kong Pathology Forum, Hong Kong2020-02-01
Kick-off Discussion from the Outsidein the session of Molecular Mechanisms of Liver Cancer Development, EASL annual meeting, Praque2020-02-01
Understanding the complexity and heterogeneity of HCC (morphology, molecular and genomic) and its challengesSymposium 2019/20 for the State Key Laboratory of Liver Research and Theme-based Research Scheme Project on Liver Cancer Stemness2020-02-01
Liver Cancer Stem Cells and StemnessKeystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology: Cancer Stem Cells: Advances in Biology and Clinical Translation, Hong Kong2019-10-01
Understanding the complexity and heterogeneity of HCCLiver Cancer
ISSN: 2235-1795 ; eISSN: 1664-5553
Latest updates on the pathological diagnosis of primary liver cancerMorning workshop, sia-Pacific Primary Liver Cancer Expert Association (APPLE) meeting 2019, Sapporo, Hokkaido,2019-08-01
From Pathology to Genetics & Genomics in Liver Cancerthe 8th International Oda Memorial Symposium, Tokyo2019-08-01
Mechanisms, Cell signaling, and Translational Applications in Liver CancerFrontiers in Stem Cell and Cancer Research, Shanghai2019-04-01
Molecular Diversity in HCC - Liquid Biopsy in HCC: Strengths and LimitationsSingle Topic Workshops, International Liver Cancer Association, London2018-09-01
Molecular pathogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma’Dr V. Ramalingaswami Oration and Hepatopathology Meeting 2018, New Delhi, India2018-08-01
Targeting cancer stem cells in HCCLiver Cancer
ISSN: 2235-1795 ; eISSN: 1664-5553
Molecular pathogenesis of hepatocellular carcinomaLiver Cancer
ISSN: 2235-1795 ; eISSN: 1664-5553
Clinical implication of molecular classifications in HCCLiver Cancer
ISSN: 2235-1795 ; eISSN: 1664-5553
Liver cancer: Updates in cell signaling and applications in personalized medicineGordon Research Conference (Personalized Medicine) 2018, Hong Kong2018-07-01
Molecular pathogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma – Update on the odysseyLaennec Liver Pathology Society Meeting, Halifax, Canada2018-06-01
Molecular stratification of HCC - a step closer to precision medicineAsian Pacific Association for the Study of Liver meeting, New Delhi, India2018-03-01
Liver cancer stem cells - Characterization and a target for prevention and treatment of HCCAsian Pacific Association for the Study of Liver meeting, New Delhi, India2018-03-01
Liver cancer - genetics, cell signalling, and cancer stemness and their translational implicationsDuke-NUS Medical School, Singapore2017-10-01
TSC 1 and 2 mutations for molecular stratification of HCC - a step closer to precision medicineAnnual Meeting, Laennec Society of Liver Pathology, Bali2017-06-01
Liver Cancer - beyond histopathologyHong Kong Pathology Forum2017-02-01
Implications of liver cancer stem cells for a new therapeutic targetAsian Pacific Association for the Study of Liver meeting, Shanghai2017-02-01
Fibrosis-dependent mechanism of hepatocarcinogenesisState Key Lab for Liver Research (SKLLR), symposium 20162016-10-01
New Targets in Hepatocellular Carcinoma – Liver Cancer Stem CellsInternational Liver Cancer Association 10th Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada2016-09-01
State-of-the-Art Lecture: ‘Fibrosis-dependent Mechanism of Hepatocarcinogenesis’Asian Pacific Association for the Study of Liver Single Topic Conference 2016, Busan, Korea2016-04-01
Hepatocellular carcinoma - molecular pathogenesis, cell signaling, and cancer stem cellsThe World Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Vienna2015-11-01
Hepatocellular carcinoma - molecular pathogenesis, cell signaling, and cancer stem cellsAsian Pacific Primary Liver Cancer Expert (APPLE) Meeting, Osaka2015-07-01
Pre-clinical drug testing platform in HCC - A step closer to personalized cancer therapyLaennec Society Meeting, Paris2015-06-01
Dishevelled 3 (Dvl3) Is Overexpressed In Hepatocellular Carcinoma And Promotes Cancer StemnessOral Communication, International Liver Cancer Association Annual meeting, Kyoto2014-09-01
Hepatocellular carcinoma: molecular pathogenesis and liver cancer stem cellsCold Spring Harbor Asia meeting on Liver Metabolism, Diseases and Cancer, Suzhou, China2014-05-01
Molecular pathogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma’Asian Oncology Summit 2014, organized by Elsevier, Organisation for Oncology and Translational Research, and The Lancet Oncology, Kuala Lumpur2014-04-01
Liver cancer stem cellsAsian Pacific Association for the Study of Liver Annual Meeting 2014, Brisbane, Australia2014-03-01
Liver Cancer Stem Cells2013 Shanghai International Symposium on Cancer Stem Cells, Shanghai, China2013-10-01
Recent updates in liver cancer stem cellsThe 8th IAP Asia Pacific Congress, Busan, South Korea2013-09-01
HCC classification based on pathological markersInternational Liver Cancer Association 7th Annual Conference - ILCA-EASL-NCI-AASLD Workshop on Molecular Classification and Biomarkers in HCC, Washington, DC, USA2013-09-01
Molecular pathogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma19th Annual Meeting, Korean Association for the Study of the Liver, Seoul, Korea2013-06-01
HCC research: Molecular drivers and signalling pathway23rd Conference of the Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL), Singapore2013-06-01
C-terminal truncated HBx is associated with cell invasiveness via c-Jun/MMP10 activation in HCCAnnual Meeting, the Laennec Liver Pathology Society Annual Meeting, Singapore2013-05-01
Liver cancer stem cells in hepatocellular carcinomaThe 7th Princess Chulabhorn International Science Congress -Cancer: from Basic Research to Cure, Bangkok, Thailand2012-11-01
Pathology and pathogenesis of HCCThe 3rd Asia-Pacific Primary Liver Cancer Expert Meeting - A Bridge to a Consensus on HCC Management, Shanghai, China2012-07-01
MicroRNA deregulation in multistep hepatocarcinogenesisSymposium on Translational Medicine for Cancer of Digestive Systems, 2012 Forum of Sino-American Translational Medicine, Shanghai2012-06-01
Liver cancer stem cells in hepatocellular carcinoma2012 Cold Spring Harbor Asia Conference on Liver Metabolism, Disorders and Cancer, Suzhou, China2012-05-01
Molecular genetic study in HCC: MicroRNA deregulation in multistep hepatocarcinogenesisEastern Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital, Shanghai2012-05-01
Do primary HCCs already harbor specific genetic alterations that confer a metastatic capacity to the tumors?Laennec Liver Pathology Society Meeting, Heidelberg, Germany2012-05-01
Roles and regulations of Rho-kinases in Hepatocellular Carcinoma MetastasisMini symposium on Cancer Cells and Stem Cells/ Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institute for Biological Sciences2011-10-01
Roles and regulations of rho-kinases in hepatocellular carcinoma metastasis兩地三方會議/ The University of Hong Kong, Eastern Hepatobiliary Hospital, Shanghai Cancer Institute2011-10-01
HCC: Biomarkers & StratificationFifth Annual Conference, International Liver Cancer Association, Hong Kong2011-09-01
Molecular & genetic advances in hepatocellular carcinoma - Molecular and genetic diagnostic and prognostic markers in HCCInternational Liver Symposium 2011, Gurgaon, India2011-08-01
Liver nodules – a diagnostic approachShangdong University2010-09-01
MicroRNA in liver cancerShangdong University2010-09-01
Wnt/~!b-catenin cell signaling in HCC~~Laennec Liver Pathology Society Meeting, Seoul, Korea2010-05-01
MicroRNA in liver cancerLaennec Liver Pathology Society Meeting, Seoul, Korea2010-05-01
Molecular pathogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma20th Conference, Asian Pacific Association of the Study of the Liver, Beijing2010-03-01
Cancer stem cell and carcinogenesisAvison Biomedical Symposium 2010, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul2010-02-01
Molecular pathology of liver cancerDepartment of Oncology, Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College, London, UK2009-11-01
Molecular pathogenesis of hepatocellular carcinomaFrontier in Medical Sciences 2009 – Symposium on New Concepts and Approaches in Primary Liver Cancer Research, Shanghai2009-10-01
HBx and HCCAsian Pacific Association for the Study of Liver2009-02-01
Molecular pathology and genetic alterations in liver cancerMini-symposium, Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, SIBS, Shanghai2008-10-01
Molecular pathology and genetic alterations in liver cancerSingapore Cancer Symposium, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Singapore2008-10-01
Liver cancer as a curable/deadly disease from the perspective of histopathology and research in tumour characteristicsConsultants’ Meeting on development of guidelines for the palliative management of common cancers using radiotherapy in limited resource settings: liver cancer, IAEA Headquarters, The United Nations, Vienna, Austria2008-10-01
Carcinogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma2008 International Liver Cancer Symposium, Seoul, Korea2008-09-01
Molecular basis of cancer – tumor suppressor genesYongsei University, Seoul, Korea2008-09-01
HBV-associated hepatocarcinogenesis and ROCK2 in HCCLaennac Society meeting 20082008-07-01
HBV-associated hepatocarcinogenesis and ROCK2 in HCCLaennac Society meeting 2008, Padua, Italy2008-07-01
Molecular pathology and genetic alterations of liver cancerInternational Liver Congress 2008, Hong Kong2008-06-01
Molecular characterization of human hepatocellular carcinoma: Tumor suppressor genesAmerican Association for Cancer Research 2008 Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA2008-04-01
Epigenetic gene expression profiling to identify frequently silenced candidate tumor suppressor genes in cancers5th Asia Pacific International Academy of Pathology Congress, Singapore, May2007-05-01
Molecular pathology and genetic alterations in hepatocellular carcinomaLaboratory of Experimental Carcinogenesis, Center for Cancer Research, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, USA, April2007-04-01
HBV and genetic alterations in hepatocellular carcinomaPrincess Margaret Hospital, University of Toronto, March2006-03-01
Pathological diagnosis of HCC and beyondShanghai - Hong Kong International Liver Congress 2006, Shanghai, March2006-03-01
Multistep process of hepatocarcinogenesisFrontiers in Biomedical Research, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, December2005-12-01
Virus to cancer - how?World Congress of Gastroenterology 2005 Meeting “Global Goals in Gastroenterology: Expanding Horizons for the 21st Century”, Montréal, Québec, Canada, September2005-09-01
Molecular and genetic alterations in hepatocellular carcinomaSymposium on Advances in Cancer Biology, 18th Asia Pacific Cancer Conference, Seoul, Korea, September2005-09-01
RNA interference in hepatocellular carcinomaFourth Asia-Pacific International Academy of Pathology Congress (IAP2005), Beijing, August2005-08-01
Pathology and molecular genetics of liver cancerSymposium on liver cancer: Hope for our future generations, The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society, Hong Kong, August2005-08-01
Chromosomal instability and novel genes in HCC (State-of-the-Art Lecture)5th Scientific Meeting, HKU Centre for the Study of Liver Disease, Hong Kong, January2005-01-01
Molecular and genetic studies of hepatocellular carcinomaFrontiers in Biomedical Research, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, December2004-12-01
Molecular studies of HCC4th International Meeting of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Eastern and Western Experiences, Hong Kong, December2004-12-01
Chimerism in transplanted liversAsian Pacific Association for the Study of Liver Disease, New Deli, India, December2004-12-01
Pathology of hepatocellular carcinomaSurgical Workshop in HCC, 4th International Meeting of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Eastern and Western Experiences, Hong Kong, December2004-12-01
RNA interferenceHong Kong International Cancer Congress, Hong Kong, November2004-11-01
Genetic instability and novel genes in hepatocellular carcinomaGenomics, Proteomics and Therapeutics in Cancer Research Conference, Cancer Research Centre, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, October2004-10-01
Molecular studies in hepatocellular carcinomaDepartment of Pathology, Anatomy and Cell Biology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, USA, March2004-03-01
Frequent chimerism in transplanted livers5th Scientific Meeting, HKU Centre for the Study of Liver Disease, Hong Kong, February2004-02-01
Role of the pathologist in hepatocellular carcinomaHong Kong Surgical Forum, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, July2003-07-01
Novel molecular approaches to diagnosis and management of liver cancerAmerican Society for Investigative Pathology - Experimental Biology 2003, at Workshop on “Liver Pathobiology: Molecular and Cellular Basis of Liver Cancer”, San Diego, USA, April2003-04-01
Genetic alterations in hepatocellular carcinomaInstitute of Liver Studies, King's College Hospital, London, U.K., March2003-03-01
Novel tumour suppressor genes in hepatocellular carcinomaInserm U434, Institut de génétique moléculaire, Paris, France, March2003-03-01
Characterization of candidate tumour suppressor genes in hepatocellular carcinomaPasteur Institute, Paris, France, March2003-03-01
Determination of the molecular relationship between multiple tumour nodules in hepatocellular carcinoma4th Scientific Meeting, HKU Centre for the Study of Liver Disease, Hong Kong, February2003-02-01
Hepatocellular carcinoma - Molecular oncology9th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress and 18th World Congress of the International Society for Digestive Surgery, Hong Kong, December2002-12-01
Molecular advances in hepatocellular carcinomaNanjing University, Nanjing, China, October2002-10-01
Cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinomaShanghai International Symposium of Cirrhosis and Its Complications, Shanghai, China, March2002-03-01
Significance of histological activity in HBV-associated hepatocellular carcinoma3rd Scientific Meeting, HKU Centre for the Study of Liver Disease, Hong Kong, February2002-02-01
Molecular genetic studies of hepatocellular carcinoma (PLENARY SESSION)Asian-Pacific Conference of Tumor Biology 2001, Beijing, China, September2001-09-01
Molecular genetic study of hepatocellular carcinoma2nd Scientific Meeting, Centre for the Study of Liver Disease, HKU, Hong Kong, February2001-02-01
Molecular pathology of hepatocellular carcinoma in Hong KongMolecular Genetic Basis of Cancer, Advanced Study Institute, Hong Kong, January2001-01-01
PeriodPositionJournal / Conference
2022Associate Editor
2019 - 2022EBioMedicine (Advisory Board Member)
2021 - 2022Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology (CMGH) (Associate Editor)
2020 - 2022Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology (Advisory Board)
2009, 2012 - 2021Genes and Cancer
2012 - 2021Journal Editor Of Liver Cancer
Liver Cancer
2015 - 2021Oncogenesis (Nature Partner Journal)
2016 - 2021Gastroenterology (International Consultant)
2018 - 2021Hepatology (Associate Editor)
2019 - 2021Journal of Hepatology
2019 - 2021Liver Cancer International
2019Liver Cancer International
Liver Cancer International
2009 - 2011, 2017 - 2019Journal Editor Of Hepatology
2017 - 2019Journal Editor Of Journal Of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Journal of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
2000 - 2017Journal Editor Of Asian Journal Of Surgery
Asian Journal of Surgery
2000 - 2009, 2012 - 2017Journal Editor Of Journal Of Gastroenterology And Hepatology
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
2013 - 2017Journal of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Editorial Board)
Journal of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Editorial Board)
2015Oncogenesis (Nature Partner Journal)
2012Liver Cancer
Liver Cancer
2007 - 2012Associate Editor, Liver International (Official journal of International Association for the Study of the Liver)
Associate Editor, Liver International (Official journal of International Association for the Study of the Liver)
2008 - 2011Academic Editor, PLoS ONE
2009Genes and Cancer
Genes and Cancer
2002 - 2009Journal Editor Of Asian Journal Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery
Asian Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
2009Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA - Direct Submission Editor
2000 - 2007Journal Editor Of Journal Of Clinical Oncology (Chinese Version)
Journal of Clinical Oncology (Chinese version)
Community Service
Start DateEnd DatePositionTypeTitle
2007-01-012010-12-01Accreditation Committee (to accredit Nursing Programs in Hong Kong)OThe Nursing Council of Hong Kong
2004-11-012008-11-01MemberOCouncil, The Hong Kong College of Pathologists
2006-01-012009-12-01Member, Research Grants Council Selection CommitteeOResearch Grants Council(National Natural Science Foundation of China NSFC/RGC Joint Research Scheme)
2006-01-012010-12-01MemberOPanel for Biology and Medicine Panel
2007-06-012010-12-01MemberOThe Nursing Council of Hong Kong (Appointed by the Government of Hong Kong SAR)
2005-01-012008-08-01MemberOPublic Affairs Forum, Home Affairs Bureau, Hong Kong Government
2012-01-012022-12-01Examiner in Anatomic PathologyOHong Kong College of Pathologists
2007-07-012012-06-01Associate EditorOInternational Association for Study of the Liver
2006-09-012015-12-01Panel MemberOHong Kong Research Grants Council (Biology and Medicine Panel)
2008-01-012010-12-01Chief Examiner in Anatomic PathologyOHong Kong College of Pathologists
2013-04-012015-04-01Panel MemberOUGC Research Assessment Exercise
2008-01-012018-12-01MemberOGrant Review Board, Research Office, Food and Health Bureau, The Government of Hong Kong
2017-04-012022-04-01MemberOHKSAR 'Innovation, Technology and Re-industrialization Committee'
2017-04-012019-06-01MemberOResearch Grants Council