Name Card
rp00326 picture

Professor Lam, Tai Hing 林大慶

Robert Kotewall Professor in Public Health, School of Public Health
Professor (Clinical)
Sir Robert Kotewall Professor in Public Health
Professor: Chair of Community Medicine

Contact Information
rp00326 picture

Professor Lam, Tai Hing 林大慶

Robert Kotewall Professor in Public Health, School of Public Health
Professor (Clinical)
Sir Robert Kotewall Professor in Public Health
Professor: Chair of Community Medicine

Also Cited As:
Lam, Tai-hing


Professor TH Lam graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong with the MBBS degree in 1975.  He got an MSc degree in medical sociology and an MSc degree in occupational medicine in 1980 and 81 respectively from The University of London.  He obtained his MD degree by research from The University of Hong Kong in 1988.  He was Head of the Department of Community Medicine, The University of Hong Kong 2000-2012.  He was Head of the Department of Community Medicine and Director of the School of Public Health, The University of Hong Kong, between 2000-2012 and August 2009-June 2013 respectively. He is Chair Professor in Community Medicine since 2000 and Director of Public Health Research Centre since 2004.  He was appointed Sir Robert Kotewall Professorship in Public Health, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong in December 2007.

Professor Lam is a fellow of the Australasian Faculty of Occupational Medicine, the UK Faculty of Public Health, The London Faculty of Occupational Medicine, The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (Community Medicine) and The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh.  Professor Lam was President of the Hong Kong College of Community Medicine from 1997 to 2001.  He was Vice-Chairman of Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health and Co-Chair of Grant Review Board, Research Council, Health, Welfare and Food Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR Government.  He was appointed Justice of Peace in July 2005 and conferred Honorary Fellowship of Hong Kong College of Community Medicine in 2008.

He has been appointed by the World Health Organization as short-term consultant, temporary advisor or expert participant for about ten occasions. 

Honours, Awards & Prizes
AwardeesAward DateHonours / Awards / PrizesCategory
1995-01-01The UICC Tobacco Control Efforts in Asia. Certificate of Appreciation awarded by International Union Against Cancer.: The UICC Tobacco Control Efforts in Asia. Certificate of Appreciation awarded by International Union Against Cancer.
Research Achievement
Jiang, C
Cheng, KK
Zhang, W
2010-01-29Guangzhou Biobank Project: Establishment and studies on environmental factors and major chronic diseases: First-class award at Guangzhou Scientific and Technology Progress Award
Research Achievement
2000-07-01Commemorative Certificate and Medal on achievement worthy of international recognition in promoting the concept of tobacco-free societies: World Health Organisation
Research Achievement
Research Achievement
2007-09-29Excellent Research Award: Excellent Research Award
Research Achievement
Jiang, C
2009-10-20Best Poster Presentation Award: "中港合作成立廣州公共醫院戒煙門診": The 3rd Cross-Strait Conference on Tobacco Control, 20-21 October 2009, Hong Kong
Research Achievement
2002-04-01Outstanding Research Award 2001-2002: University of Hong Kong
Research Achievement
2009-10-20Contribution Award for Chinese in Tobacco Control is awarded to in recognition of outstanding contribution to tobacco control: The 3rd Cross-Strait Conference on Tobacco Control, 20-21 October 2009, Hong Kong
Research Achievement
2014-01-01煙草暴露的健康危害、致病機理及戒煙干預研究: 北京市科學技術獎叁等獎
Research Achievement
Chung, SF
1997-10-14Work-related respiratory illnesses as perceived by the working population in Hong Kong: Silver Award of poster exhibit presented at The Ninth International Conference on Occupational Respiratory Diseases, 14 October 1997, Kyoto, Japan
Research Achievement
1998-05-28Achievement worthy of international recognition in promoting the concept of tobacco-free societies on World No-Tobacco Day: A Commemorative Certificate and Medal awarded by World Health Organisation in Rio de Janeiro, May 28, 1998
Research Achievement
Research Achievement
2000-07-01China Tobacco Control Award: Chinese Association on Smoking and Health
Research Achievement
2000-07-01University Teaching Fellowship 1999-2000 for teaching excellence
Teaching Accomplishment
2005-07-01Justice of Peace: Hong Kong SAR Government
2002-02-01Outstanding Research Student Supervisor Award 2000-2001: University of Hong Kong
Teaching Accomplishment
He, Y
2009-10-01Epidemiological study of tobacco exposure and its harmful effects on cardio- and cerebro- vascular diseases in the population: Chinese Preventive Medicine Association Science and Technology Award, second class award
2007-09-29Distinguished Service Award: Distinguished Service Award
Research Achievement
Research Achievement
ZHAO, Shengzhi
Weng, X
2021-09-01Young Investigators Award, Exploring perspectives for developing an adaptive chat-based smoking cessation intervention among continuing smokers in Hong Kong: community-based, qualitative study: The 13th Asia Pacific Conference on Tobacco or Health (APACT2021), September 3-4, 2021, Bangkok, Thailand
Research Achievement
Weng, X
2019-12-01Best Poster Award, Chat-Based Instant Messaging Support for Smoking Cessation in Workplaces: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial: The 9th Hong Kong International Nursing Forum cum 1st Greater Bay Area Nursing Conference, December 9-10, 2019, Shenzhen, China
Weng, X
2018-11-01Conference paper award
Research Achievement
LUK, Tzu Tsun
2019-02-01SRNT Travel Award, Chat-based instant messaging support combined with brief advice and active referral for smoking cessation in proactively recruited community smokers: a pragmatic, cluster randomized controlled trial (abstract): The Society For Research On Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) 2019 Annual Meeting, February 20-23, 2019, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
Research Achievement
Vackova, D
2015-09-01The College Prize for Poster presentation: Vackova D, Prof Lam TH, Ho SY: Is the parenting style associated with low fruit and vegetable consumption in primary school children in Hong Kong? The Hong Kong College of Community Medicine Annual Scientific meeting, 19. September 2015, poster No P8: HKCCM
Research Achievement
2011-12-16二等奖:中國吸煙流行病學、健康危害與干預措施研究: 2011年中华医学科技奖
Research Achievement
He, Y
He, Y
Abdullah, ASM
2006-05-22Project "Establishment of a pilot anti-smoking telephone hotline for persons who want to quit or to ask questions about smoking and health" (powerpoint presentation on 22 May 2006): Outstanding Health Promotion Project Award
Research Achievement
Jiang, C
1994-07-01A Study on the Byssinosis Syndrome in Guangzhou China. First Class Award on Medical and Health Science and Technology Achievement. Guangzhou Public Health Bureau, 1993: A Study on the Byssinosis Syndrome in Guangzhou China. First Class Award on Medical and Health Science and Technology Achievement. Guangzhou Public Health Bureau, 1993
Research Achievement
Chung, SF
1995-01-05A case control study on passive smoking and childhood hospitalization due to respiratory illness. Best Paper Award in Group 12 at Hospital Convention '95 on January 5, 1995: A case control study on passive smoking and childhood hospitalization due to respiratory illness. Best Paper Award in Group 12 at Hospital Convention '95 on January 5, 1995
Research Achievement
2019-06-01Excellent Health Promotion Project Award: Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF), Food and Health Bureau
Research Achievement
Lau, CP
2011-12-16Best Original Research by Trainees Silver Medal 2011 (Abstract titled: PR Interval Prolongation is Associated with Endothelial Dysfunction, Arterial stiffness and Activation of Vascular Repair: Novel Pathophysiological Insights and Clinical Implications): Hong Kong Academy of Medicine
Research Achievement
2000-05-07Correlation of socioeconomic/demographic variation with mortality and hospital admissions ratios (Poster Presentation): Hospital Authority Convention 2000, 7-10 May 2000, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre
Research Achievement
2021-11-01“The 10th HMRF Anniversary Award” on project “Youth Quitline: An accessible telephone-based smoking cessation hotline for youth”: Food and Health Bureau, HKSAR Government
Research Achievement
2017-07-012017 年中华預防医学会科学技术奖二等奖 on “煙草暴露的健康危害、致病機理及戒煙干預研究”: Chinese Preventive Medicine Association
Research Achievement
2018-01-012017 年中华医学科技奖二等奖 on “煙草暴露的健康危害、致病機理及戒煙干預研究”: Chinese Medical Association
Research Achievement
Wan, NTA
Chu, TWJ
2016-06-01Poster Competition 2nd Prize: Faculty of Public Health Conference, UK
Research Achievement
Lam, OBC
2015-12-01Best Poster Award, Incentive-Based Smoking Cessation via Quit to Win Contest (2009) in Hong Kong: The 6th Hong Kong International Nursing Forum, 10-11 December
Wan, NTA
Lau, CG
2017-05-01Best Poster Award - First Place: International Symposium Physical Activity & Fitness of the Young Generation in Asia-Pacific
Research Achievement
2021-11-01The 10th HMRF Anniversary Research Achievement Award. Youth Quitline: An accessible telephone-based smoking cessation hotline for youth: Food and Health Bureau, Government of the HKSAR
Research Achievement
Chan, WF
2015-12-01Best Poster Award, Effectiveness of a Workplace Intervention to Promote Smoking Cessation in Hong Kong: The 6th Hong Kong International Nursing Forum, 10-11 December
Hsieh, CJ
2022-09-01Faculty Outstanding Research Output Award 2022. "Brief advice, nicotine replacement therapy, sampling, and active referral for expectant fathers who smoke cigarettes": LKS Faculty of Medicine, THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG
Research Achievement