Name Card
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Liu, Li

Scientific Officer

Teaching List, Current
2023 S1BMSC31041ALife Science IV
2023 S1BMSN26031ALife Sciences I
2021 S2BBMS30052AInfection and Immunity
2021 S1BMSC31041ALife Science IV
2021 S1BMSN26031ALife Sciences I
2019 S2BBMS30052AInfection and Immunity
2022 S1BMSC31041ALife Science IV
2022 S1BMSN26031ALife Sciences I
2018 S2BBMS30052AInfection and Immunity
2020 S2BBMS30052AInfection and Immunity
2022 S2BBMS30052AInfection and Immunity
Supervision of Research Postgraduate Students
StatusThesis TitleField of StudyStudent
Vaccine-elicited CD8+ T cells overcome suppressive environment to cure malignant mesothelioma in miceHIV-1 Pathogenesis and Immunology2009 Phd
Tan Zhiwu
HIV-1 Early Diagnosis of Men Having Sex with Men in Hong Kong and Discovery of Novel Agents for HIV-1 Treatment from Traditional Chinese Herbal MedicineHIV-1 Pathogenesis and Immunology2009 Phd
Liang Jianguo
Δ42PD1 negatively regulate B cell function and is associated with HIV disease progressionAIDS pathogenesis2013 Phd
Peng Jie
Defining the Role of Myeloid Cells in Potentiating T-cell Immunity and EcoHIV Evasion from Vaccine-induced ProtectionAIDS, HIV vaccine2016 Phd
Lin Qingqing
Modulation of immunometabolism to shape B cell fate and function by Δ42PD1 and SARS-CoV-2 spike proteinB cell immunology and infectious diseases2021 Phd
Lim Chun Yu Hubert
Optimization of a HIV-1 DNA Vaccine Using a Novel DNA Vector and Molecule AdjuvantsAIDS,HIV vaccine2016 MPhil
Huang Haode
∆42PD1 is a novel negative immune regulator of human B cellAIDS, HIV vaccine 2018 Phd
Fang Jun
Regulation of T cell responses by Δ42PD1 or mitochondria during viral infectionsHIV/AIDS vaccine2018 Phd
Mo Yufei