Name Card
rp00118 picture

Professor Huang, Guo Quan 黃國全

Honorary Professor

Principal Investigator
StatusProject CodeProject TitleAmountFunding Year
17203518To automate or not to automate, that is the question for ecommerce logistics: A game theoretic study6324212018
ITP/079/16LPiPark: Core Technologies of Intelligent Ecommerce Logistics Parks76003502016
AR200064Development of real-time cooperative VR multi-CAVE systems for collaborative and team learning20000002020
UIT/075Intelligent decision models for optimizing polishing quality1550002004
ITP/027/11LIService-oriented system for real-time optimization and execution of RFID-enabled smart contrainer loading5960002011
HKU 7070/00EDevelopment of a web-based brokering framework to encourage early supplier involvement (ESI) in new product development (NPD) on the Internet4378172000
HKU 712112EDevelopment of RFID-enabled Real-Time Collaborative Manufacturing Platform using Product Service System (PSS) and Cloud Computing5000002012
JRS98/07Developing web-based design guidelines for collaborative ""Design for X""740001997
HKU 7230/99EWorkflow navigator in web-based collaborative product development4050001999
HKU 7070/98EWeb-based ""Design for X"" for Collaborative Product Development3800001998
JRS99/20Web-based collaborative product development300001998
N/ARFID-enabled manufacturing3505052006
N/AReal-time manufacturing2000002006
GHP/015/06Gateway system for PRD manufacturers to adopt networked logistics customs clearance platforms30693502006
INP/009/07Gateway system for PRD manufactueres to adopt networked logistics customs cleanance platforms1701002007
HKU 712508ERFID-Enabled Shop-floor Gateway for Real-Time Reconfigurable Manufacturing3586602008
InP/013/09RFID-Enabled Real-Time Manufacturing Shop-floor Information Infrastructure for PRD Processing Trade Enterprises1256612008
GHP/042/07LPRFID-Enabled Real-Time Manufacturing Shop-floor Information Infrastructure for PRD Processing Trade Enterprises63572002008
InP/014/09RFID-Enabled Real-Time Manufacturing Shop-floor Information Infrastructure for PRD Processing Trade Enterprises1507932009
HKU 712513EPeriodic Sealed Double Auctions for Dynamic Transportation Service Procurement5201002013
InP/009/07Gateway system for PRD manufacturers to adopt networked logistics customs clearance platforms1134002007
ITP/045/13LPRFID-Enabled Building Information Modeling (BIM) Platform for Prefabrication Housing Production in Hong Kong73650202013
T32-102/14-NDelivering 21st Century Healthcare in Hong Kong - Building a Quality-and-Efficiency Driven System5000002014
ITP/021/20LPnD Blockchain for ESG Reporting80880452020
17212016Efficient multi-attribute multi-unit auctions for e-commerce logistics5969832016
17203117Price-compatible matching mechanisms for carrier collaboration5820002017
InP/112/17iPark: Core Technologies of Intelligent Ecommerce Logistics Parks276472016
InP/113/17iPark: Core Technologies of Intelligent Ecommerce Logistics Parks637112016