Name Card
rp00059 picture

Emeritus Professor Malpas, John Graham 麥培思

Special Advisor
Chair of Earth Sciences
Special Advisor on Estate Matters



StatusProject CodeProject TitleAmountFunding Year
SEG_HKU01Stable Isotope Laboratory45000002008
HKU 703911PThe weathering of Earths crust by the H2O-CO2 proto-atmosphere in early Hedean: its application to the formation of a CO-containing atmosphere, the transition metal catalyzed organosynthesis and the chemistry of the earliest ocean7200002011
HKU 707009PA possibly Neoproterozoic subduction-related IOCG metallogenic province in SW China3620002009
HKU 7001/04PA study of the Neotethyan suture around Mt Kailas, western Tibet - a link between the Indus and Yarlung Tsangpo suture zones4558002004
HKU 7089/97PTectonic evolution of North West China: West Junggar region4460001997
HKU 7101/01PGeochemistry, petrogenesis, and metallogenic potential of the Permian Emeishan Large Igneous Province, SW China3911602001
HKU 7001/03PTectonic evolution of the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone, Xizang (Tibet), China5610002003
HKU 7102/98PTectonic and temporal relationships of ophiolitic and other rocks between the Lhasa (China) and Himalayan (India) terranes4110001998
HKU 703412PMineral and elemental hyperfine structures in banded iron formations from Eoarchaean to Palaeoproterozoic eons: clues for the earliest life, Oxygen Oases, phosphatization and climatic cycles7750002012
HKU 7120/97PREE, PGE and Au analyses of dunites in ophiolitic mantle sequences4960001997
HKU 7124/02PNeoproterozoic igneous rocks in the western margin of the Yangtze Block (South China) and their subsequent metamorphism5220002002
HKU 7299/99PTibet tectonics: the India-Asia collision3600001999
HKU 704307PAccretionary process along the southwestern margin of the Central Altaishan Terrane: an integrated field, geochemical and geochronological study3170002007
HKU 7056/03PFe-Ti-V oxide deposits associated with Permian Emeishan flood basaltic magmatism in SW China: petrogenetic controls and exploration applications3800002003