Name Card
rp00024 picture

Professor Wong, May Chun Mei 王春美


Teaching List, Current
2023 S1DENT60231BOral epidemiology and clinical research methodology
2023 S2DENT60242BIntroduction to statistical analysis in dental research
2023 S2DENT60252BMultivariable statistical analysis in dental research and use of statistical software
2021 S1DENT60231BOral epidemiology and clinical research methodology
2021 S1GRSC61041AIntroduction to Quantitative Research Methods (Humanities)
2021 S1GRSC61051AIntroduction to Quantitative Research Methods (Sciences)
2021 S1GRSC61051BIntroduction to Quantitative Research Methods (Sciences)
2021 S1GRSC61051CIntroduction to Quantitative Research Methods (Sciences)
2021 S1GRSC61051DIntroduction to Quantitative Research Methods (Sciences)
2021 S2GRSC61042BIntroduction to Quantitative Research Methods (Humanities)
2021 S2GRSC61052EIntroduction to Quantitative Research Methods (Sciences)
2021 S2GRSC61052FIntroduction to Quantitative Research Methods (Sciences)
2021 S2DENT60242BIntroduction to statistical analysis in dental research
2021 S2DENT60252BMultivariable statistical analysis in dental research and use of statistical software
2023 S1DENT60231AOral epidemiology and clinical research methodology
2023 S2DENT60242AIntroduction to statistical analysis in dental research
2023 S2DENT60252AMultivariable statistical analysis in dental research and use of statistical software
2019 S1DENT60231AOral epidemiology and clinical research methodology
2019 S1DENT60231BOral epidemiology and clinical research methodology
2019 S2DENT60242AIntroduction to statistical analysis in dental research
2019 S2DENT60242BIntroduction to statistical analysis in dental research
2019 S2DENT60252AMultivariable statistical analysis in dental research and use of statistical software
2019 S2DENT60252BMultivariable statistical analysis in dental research and use of statistical software
2022 S1DENT60231AOral epidemiology and clinical research methodology
2022 S2DENT60242AIntroduction to statistical analysis in dental research
2022 S2DENT60252AMultivariable statistical analysis in dental research and use of statistical software
2020 S1DENT60231BOral epidemiology and clinical research methodology
2018 S1DENT60231BOral epidemiology and clinical research methodology
2018 S2DENT60242BIntroduction to statistical analysis in dental research
2018 S2DENT60252BMultivariable statistical analysis in dental research and use of statistical software
2020 S2DENT60242BIntroduction to statistical analysis in dental research
2020 S2DENT60252BMultivariable statistical analysis in dental research and use of statistical software
2022 S1DENT60231BOral epidemiology and clinical research methodology
2022 S1GRSC61041AIntroduction to Quantitative Research Methods (Humanities)
2022 S1GRSC61051AIntroduction to Quantitative Research Methods (Sciences)
2022 S1GRSC61051BIntroduction to Quantitative Research Methods (Sciences)
2022 S1GRSC61051CIntroduction to Quantitative Research Methods (Sciences)
2022 S1GRSC61051DIntroduction to Quantitative Research Methods (Sciences)
2022 S2GRSC61042BIntroduction to Quantitative Research Methods (Humanities)
2022 S2GRSC61052EIntroduction to Quantitative Research Methods (Sciences)
2022 S2GRSC61052GIntroduction to Quantitative Research Methods (Sciences)
2022 S2GRSC61052FIntroduction to Quantitative Research Methods (Sciences)
2022 S2DENT60242BIntroduction to statistical analysis in dental research
2022 S2DENT60252BMultivariable statistical analysis in dental research and use of statistical software
2024 S1DENT60231BOral epidemiology and clinical research methodology
2024 S2DENT60242BIntroduction to statistical analysis in dental research
2024 S2DENT60252BMultivariable statistical analysis in dental research and use of statistical software
2024 S1DENT60231AOral epidemiology and clinical research methodology
2024 S2DENT60242AIntroduction to statistical analysis in dental research
2024 S2DENT60252AMultivariable statistical analysis in dental research and use of statistical software
Supervision of Research Postgraduate Students
StatusThesis TitleField of StudyStudent
Trends in oral health during early childhood and adolescence in Hong Kong Chinese: a life course approachDental Public Health2008 Phd
Lu Haixia
Age-period-cohort analysis of sequential cross-sectional oral health survey dataDental Public Health2008 MPhil
Li Kar Yan
Orofacial Pain and its Functional and Psychosocial Impact: A Community-based Study in Hong KongOrofacial Pain in the Community, a Study of Prevalence and Impact2005 Phd
Zheng Jun
Relationship between family members’ oral health behaviours and statusDental Public Health2009 Phd
Zhang Yan
Structural Equation Modeling of the Child Perceptions Questionnaire measuring oral health-related quality of life of children in Hong KongDental Public Health2006 MPhil
Lau Wai Ha
Oral health practice and status, knowledge and attitude, and oral health-related quality of life among pregnant womenDental Public Health2013 Phd
Wen Weiye
Multilevel modeling for the analysis of longitudinal periodontal dataDental Public Health2009 MPhil
Cheung Ka Yan
Prevention of early childhood caries through training in parental toothbrushing and fluoride varnish applicationDental Public Health2009 Phd
Jiang Ming
Effectiveness of silver diamine fluoride solution in arresting early childhood cariesDental Public Health2008 Phd
Fung Ho Tak Marcus
Item Response Models for Child Perceptions QuestionnaireDental Public Health2013 MPhil
Yau Tak Wai David
The influences of dental treatment on the change in oral health-related quality of life among elderly peopleDental Public Health2011 Phd
Liu Jian
Dental Public Health2020 Phd
Suen Po Chu
Endodontics2020 Phd
Lee Angeline Hui Cheng
Multilevel and mixture modeling of prognostic factors for tooth loss in patients under periodontal maintenanceBiostatistics2015 MPhil
Chan Ching Kit
Effectiveness of Family-centered Oral Health Promotion on Infant Oral HealthDental Public Health2015 Phd
Yu Ka Fung
Prevention and Treatment for Dental Caries2023 MPhil
Xiong Yinghao
Comparative study on the outcomes of restoring SDF-treated and untreated dentine caries lesions with ART approachDental Public Health2016 Phd
Jiang Meng
Health Belief Model for empowering parental toothbrushing and sugar intake control in reducing early childhood caries among young childrenDental Public Health2020 Phd
Wang Ketian
Dental Public Health2021 Phd
Wu Sicheng
Computer-assisted Jaw Reconstruction2022 Phd
Pu Jingya
Effectiveness of xylitol toothpaste in preventing dental caries among young childrenPaediatric Dentistry2017 Phd
Luo Weijia
HKU Committee Appointments
Start DateEnd DateCommitteeCategoryBody
2016-02-292017-03-10Library CommitteeThe Dean or Associate Dean of each Faculty, or his/her nominee
2017-03-112019-03-10Library CommitteeThe Dean or Associate Dean of each Faculty, or his/her nominee
2019-03-112021-02-10Library CommitteeThe Dean or Associate Dean of each Faculty, or his/her nominee
2021-02-112023-02-10Library CommitteeThe Dean or Associate Dean of each Faculty, or his/her nominee
2004-02-01Faculty of Dentistry, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2018-04-012021-03-31Faculty of Dentistry, Board of theChairman
2021-04-012024-03-31Faculty of Dentistry, Board of theChairman
2002-07-012004-06-30Discontinuation, Committee on1 member from each Faculty (Dentistry) from a panel of three in order of precedence for a period of 2 years, renewable up to a maximum of 4 consecutive yearsDentistry Faculty Board
2007-02-012009-01-31Discontinuation, Committee on1 member from each Faculty (Dentistry) from a panel of three in order of precedence for a period of 2 years, renewable up to a maximum of 4 consecutive yearsDentistry Faculty Board
2001-02-012004-01-31Faculty of Dentistry, Board of theAsst. Lecturers in Faculty
2018-07-012019-06-30Disciplinary CommitteeTeacher PanelSenate
2020-07-012021-06-30Disciplinary CommitteeTeacher PanelSenate
2021-07-012022-06-30Disciplinary CommitteeTeacher PanelSenate
2004-07-132006-06-30Student Grievances, Committee of Enquiry intoTwo other members of the Grievances Panel, appointed by the Chairman: members of the PanelCouncil
2020-08-252022-06-30Academic Reviews, Advisory Group onNine professors appointed by the Senate for two years at a time, with membership staggered at one-yearly intervalsSenate
2022-09-012024-08-31Academic Reviews, Advisory Group onNine professors appointed by the Senate for two years at a time, with membership staggered at one-yearly intervalsSenate
2015-04-092017-03-10Information Technology Advisory CommitteeThe Chairmen of Faculty Information Technology Committees
2018-04-012021-03-31SenateChairman of each Board of the Faculty
2021-04-012024-03-31SenateChairman of each Board of the Faculty
2015-04-092017-03-10Library CommitteeThe Chairman of each Faculty Library Committee and the Chairman of the Committee on Information Technology and Educational Resources (CITER) of the Faculty of Dentistry
2019-03-112019-12-30Library CommitteeThe Chairman of each Faculty Library Committee and the Chairman of the Committee on Information Technology and Educational Resources (CITER) of the Faculty of Dentistry
2017-03-112019-03-10Information Technology Advisory CommitteeThe Chairmen of Faculty Information Technology CommitteesDentistry Faculty Board
2019-03-112021-03-10Information Technology Advisory CommitteeThe Chairmen of Faculty Information Technology CommitteesDentistry Faculty Board
2017-03-112019-03-10Library CommitteeThe Chairman of each Faculty Library Committee and the Chairman of the Committee on Information Technology and Educational Resources (CITER) of the Faculty of DentistrySenate
2022-07-012024-03-31Enquiry into Possible Good Cause, Committee ofA panel of 12 members of the Senate who are teachers, appointed by the Senate for 2 years at a time
2020-02-012023-01-31Tenders BoardAt least one academic/practicing or retired professional/retired civil servant, appointed by the Finance CommitteeFinance Committee
2022-07-012023-06-30Disciplinary CommitteeTeacher Panel
2024-09-01Academic Reviews, Advisory Group onNine professors appointed by the Senate for two years at a time, with membership staggered at one-yearly intervalsSenate